مَطْلَبِي مِنْ حَبِيبِ القَلْبِ رُؤْيَةْ مُحَيَّاهْ
My Request to My Beloved is to See His Face
مَطْلَبِي مِنْ حَبِيبِ القَلْبِ رُؤْيَةْ مُحَيَّاهْ
رَبِّ حَقِّقْ لِقَلْبِي كُلَّ مَا قَدْ تَمَنَّاهْ
maṭlabī min ḥabībil qalbi ru’yah muḥayyāh
rabbi ḥaqqiq liqalbī kulla mā qad tamannāh
My desire from the beloved of my heart is to see his countenance
My Lord, realize for my heart all that I desire
فَإِنَّ قِدْ لِي زَمَنْ يَا رَبِّ أَشْتَاقْ رُؤْيَاهْ
بَخِتْ مَنْ شَرَّفَ المَوْلَى بُرُؤْيَةْ عَيْنَاهْ
fa inna qid lī zaman yā rabbi ashtāq ru’yāh
bakhit man sharrafal mawlā buru’yah ʿaynāh
For I have, for so long, My Lord, have longed to see him
Glad tidings to whomever the Master has blessed to see him
يَا سَمِيعَ الدُّعَا حَقَّقْ لِذَا القَلِبْ رَجْوَاهْ
طَالَتْ أَيَّامْ بُعْدِي عَنْهُ فَادْرِكْ بِلُقْيَاهْ
yā samīʿad duʿā ḥaqqaq lidhal qalib rajwah
ṭālat ayyām buʿdī ʿanhu fad rik biluqyāh
O One who hears supplications, realize for this heart its hope
long have been the days of distance from him. Urgently facilitate a meeting with him
مَا احْسَنَ اوْصَافُهُ العُظْمَى وَمَا احْسَنْ سَجَايَاهْ
عَاشَتِ الرُّوحْ بِهْ فِي أُنُسْ مَا احْسَنُهْ وَاحْلَاهْ
maḥ sanaw ṣāfuhul ʿuẓmā wamaḥ san sajāyāh
ʿāshatir rūḥ bih fī unus maḥ sanuh waḥ lāh
How beautiful are his amazing traits. How beautiful his character
the spirit lives in intimate comfort through him. How beautiful! How pleasant!
يَا نَدِيمِي أَدِرْ ذِكْرَهْ عَلَيّْ فَأَنِّي أَهْوَاهْ
وَاذْكُرْ أَيَّامْ فِيهَا قَدْ نَفَحْ طِيبْ رَيَّاهْ
yā nadīmī adir dhikrah ʿalayy fa annī ahwah
wadh kur ayyām fīhā qad nafaḥ ṭīb rayyāh
O companion, pass around his mention, for indeed, I love him!
Mention the days in which the pure fragrance exuded
عَرِفْ طَيِّبْ إِذَا مَا شَمَّهُ المَيِّتْ أَحْيَاهْ
جَدِّدُوا لِي صَفَا وَقْتِي وَأُنْسِي بِذِكْرَاهْ
ʿarif ṭayyib idhā mā shammahul mayyit aḥyāh
jaddidū lī ṣafā waqtī wa unsī bidhikrāh
Breath the fragrance that the dead would come to life by smelling
Renew the purity of my time and comfort through his mention
وَاذْكُرُوا لِي عُهُودِي المَاضِيَةْ بَيْنْ أَفْيَاهْ
فَانَّنِي قَدْ رَضِيتِهِ كُلَّ مَا كَانَ يَرْضَاهْ
wadh kurū lī ʿuhūdīl māḍiyah bayn afyāh
fan nanī qad raḍītihi kulla mā kāna yarḍāh
Remind me of my past covenants
For I am pleased with all that he is pleased with
وَانَّنِي عَبِدْ لُهْ مَمْلُوكْ فِي كُلِّ مَا شَاهْ
لَيْسَ لِي قَصِدْ فِي كُلِّ الوَرَى غَيْرْ إِيَّاهْ
wan nanī ʿabid luh mamlūk fī kulli mā shāh
laysa lī qaṣid fī kullil warā ghayr iyyāh
And I am his servant, he can do with me as he pleases
I have no objective in creation save him
كَمْ وَكَمْ عَبِدْ بِهْ قَدْ طَالْ فِي الكَوْنِ مَبْنَاهْ
كَمْ وَكَمْ سِرّْ عِنْدَ الذِّكْرِ لُهْ قَدْ وَجَدْنَاهْ
kam wakam ʿabid bih qad ṭaāl fīl kawni mabnāh
kam wakam sirr ʿindadh dhikri luh qad wajadnāh
How many servants whose foundations have lasted through him
How many secrets have we found through mentioning him
قَدْ طَعِمْنَاهْ يَا لِلّٰهْ مَا قَدْ طَعِمْنَاهْ
كَمْ وَكَمْ عَهِدْ لُهْ فِي السِّرِّ مِنَّا حَفِظْنَاهْ
qad ṭaʿimnāh yā lillāh mā qad ṭaʿimnāh
kam wakam ʿahid luh fīs sirri minnā ḥafiẓnāh
We have experience from him, from Allah, what we have experienced
How many of his covenants have we guarded secretly
يَا سَمِيعَ الدُّعَا وَفِّرْ عَلِيّ مِنْ عَطَايَاهْ
وَاهْلِهِ الكُلِّ وَاوْلَادِهْ وَصَحْبِهْ وَحِبَّاهْ
yā samīʿad duʿā waffir ʿaliyy min ʿaṭāyāh
wah lihil kulli waw lādih waṣaḥbih waḥibbāh
O hearer of supplications, grant me in full from his gifts
and for my entire family, children, companions, and loved ones
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَيْهِ إِنُّهْ غِنَى مَنْ تَوَلَّاهْ
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَيْهْ إِنُّهْ غِنَى مَنْ تَوَلَّاهْ
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalayhi innuh ghinā man tawallāh
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalayh innuh ghinā man tawallāh
and prayers be upon him - he is the sufficiency for all who are loyal to him
and prayers be upon him - he is the sufficiency for all who are loyal to him