إلَــهِــي نَــسْأَلُــكْ بِـالإِسْــمِ الأَعْـظَـمْ
وَجَـاهِ الـمُـصْـطَـفَى فَــرِّجْ عَــلَــيْــنَــا
ālahī nasaluk bil ismil aʿẓam
wajāhil muṣṭafā farrij ʿalaynā
Allah, we ask you by the Supreme Name
and the rank of the Chosen One, grant us relief
بِــبِــسْــمِ الـلّٰـهِ مَـوْلَانَــا ابْــتَــدَيْــنَــا
وَنَــحْــمَــدُهُ عَـلَــى نَـعْـمَـاهُ فِــيــنَــا
bibismillāhi mawlānab tadaynā
wanaḥmaduhu ʿalā naʿmāhu fīnā
In the name of Allah, our Master, we begin
and praise Him for His blessings upon us
تـَــوَسَّــلْـــنَـــا بـِــهِ فِـي كُــلِّ أَمْــــرٍ
غِـيَـاثِ الـخَــلْــقِ رَبِّ الـعَــالَـمِـيـنَــا
tawassalnā bihi fī kulli amrin
ghiyāthil khalqi rabbil ʿālamīnā
We seek a way through Him in every matter
the One Who helps creation, Lord of the worlds
وَبِـــالأَسْــمَــاءِ مَــا وَرَدَتْ بِـــنَـــصٍّ
وَمَـا فِـي الــغَـيْـبِ مَـخْـزُونـاً مَـصُـونَـا
wabil asmā’i mā waradat binaṣṣin
wamā fīl ghaybi makhzūnan maṣūnā
And by [His] Names as transmitted in revelation
and those hidden and concealed in the unseen
بِــكُـــلِّ كِــتَــابٍ أَنْــزَلَــهُ تَــعَــالَــى
وَقُــــرْآنٍ شِــفَــا لِـلـمُــومِــنِـيـنَـــــا
bikulli kitābin anzalahu taʿālā
waqurānin shifā lilmūminīnā
By every Book the Most High has revealed
and the Quran, which is a healing for the believers
وَبِــالــهَــادِي تَــوَسَّــلْــنَــا وَلُـذْنَــــا
وَكُـــلِّ الأَنْـبِـيَـا وَالـمُـــرْسَــلِـيـنَــــا
wabil hādī tawassalnā waludhnā
wakullil anbiyā wal mursalīnā
And by the Guide we seek recourse and refuge
and [by] all of the Prophets and Messengers
وَآلِــهِــمُ مَـعَ الأَصْــحَـــابِ جَـمْـعــاً
تَــوَسَّــلْــنَــا وَكُـــلِّ الـتَّــابِــعِــيِــنَــا
wa ālihimu maʿal aṣḥābi jamʿan
tawassalnā wakullit tābiʿiyinā
And [by] all of their Families, Companions, and Followers
we seek the means to draw near
بِــكُــلِّ طَــوَائِــفِ الأَمْــلَاكِ نَـــدْعُــو
بِــمَــا فِـي غَـيْـبِ رَبِّــي أَجْـمَـعِـيـنَـــا
bikulli ṭawā’ifil amlāki nadʿū
bimā fī ghaybi rabbī ajmaʿīnā
We pray by every faction of the Angels
in my Lord’s unseen [world]
وبِــالــعُــلَــمَــا بِــأَمْــرِ اللهِ طُـــــــرًّا
وَكــلِّ الأَوْلِــيَــا وَالـصَّــالِـحِــيــنَــــا
wbil ʿulamā bi amrillāhi ṭurran
wakllil awliyā waṣ ṣāliḥīnā
And by all of the scholars who uphold Allah's commands
and all of the awliyā' and righteous
أَخُــصُّ بِــهِ الإِمَـــامَ الـقُـطْـبَ حَـقّـاً
وَجِيْــهَ الــدِّيــنِ تَــاجَ الـعَــارِفِــيـنَـــا
akhuṣṣu bihil imāmal quṭba ḥaqqan
wajiyhad dīni tājal ʿārifīnā
And especially by the Imam, the true Pole
pre-eminent in the Faith, Crown of the Gnostics
رَقَـى فِـي رُتْــبَــةِ الـتَّـمْـكِـيـنِ مَـرْقَــى
وَقَـدْ جَـمَـعَ الـشَّـرِيــعَــةَ وَالـيَـقِـيـنَــا
raqā fī rutbatit tamkīni marqā
waqad jamaʿash sharīʿata wal yaqīnā
who ascended in the station of mastery
uniting the Sacred Law and Inward Certainty
وَذِكْـرُ الـعَـيْـدَرُوسِ الـقُـطْـبِ أَجْـلَـــى
عَـنِ الـقَـلْـبِ الـصَّـدَى لِـلـصَّـادِقِـينَـــا
wadhikrul ʿaydarūsil quṭbi ajlā
ʿanil qalbiṣ ṣadā lilṣṣādiqīnā
To speak of al-‘Aydarūs, the Pole Saint
cleanses rust from the heart, for those ones who are sincere
عَـفِـيْـفِ الـدِّيـنِ مُـحْـيِـي الدِّيــنِ حَـقًّا
لَــهُ تَـحْـكِـيـمُـنَـــا وَبِـــهِ اقْـتَـدَيْـنَــــا
ʿafiyfid dīni muḥyīd dīni ḥaqqan
lahu taḥkīmunā wabihiq tadaynā
Virtuous in Faith, true reviver of the Religion
who guided us and whom we emulate
وَلا نَـنْــسَـى كَـمَــالَ الـدِّيــنِ سَــعْــداً
عَــظِــيــمَ الحَــالِ تَــاجَ الـعَـابِـدِيـنَـــا
walā nansā kamālad dīni saʿdan
ʿaẓīmal ḥāli tājal ʿābidīnā
Nor shall we forget Sa‘d, the Faith’s perfection,
one of immense state, Crown of the Devoted
ونَـاظِــمَـــهَـــا أَبَــابَـكْــرٍ إِمَـــامـــاً
حَــبَـــاهُ إِلَــهُــهُ جَــاهــاً مَــكِـيـنَــــا
wnāẓimahā abābakrin imāman
ḥabāhu ilahuhu jāhan makīnā
And its composer, Abu Bakr, a noble Imam,
Whom his Lord granted an exalted rank and honor
بِـهِـمْ نَـدْعُــو إِلَـى الـمَـوْلَــى تَـعَـالَــى
بِــغُــفْــرَانٍ يــعُــمُّ الـحَــاضِـرِيـنَــــا
bihim nadʿū ilal mawlā taʿālā
bighufrānin īʿummul ḥāḍirīnā
By them we pray to our Exalted Master
for pardon that includes all who are present
ولُـــطْـــفٍ شَــامِـــلٍ وَدَوامِ سَـــتْـــرٍ
وَغُـــفْـــرَانٍ لِــكُـــلِّ الـمُـذْنِــبِـيـنَـــا
wluṭfin shāmilin wadawāmi satrin
waghufrānin likullil mudhnibīnā
and all-embracing grace, ever hiding faults
and forgiveness for everyone who has sinned
وَنَــخْـتِــمُـهَــا بِـتَـحْـصِـيـنٍ عَـظِـيــمٍ
بِحَوْلِ اللهِ لَا يُقْدَرْ عَلَـيْـنَـا
wanakhtimuhā bitaḥṣīnin ʿaẓīmin
biḥawlillāhi lā yuqdar ʿalaynā
We seal this with a mighty reinforcement
by God’s power, they have no power over us
وَسَــتْــرُ اللهِ مَــسْــبُـــولٌ عَــلَــيْــنَـــا
وَعَــيْـــنُ اللهِ نَـــاظِـــــرَةٌ إِلَــيْـــنَــــا
wasatru Allahi masbūlun ʿalaynā
waʿaynu Allahi nāẓiratun ilaynā
Allah’s protective veil is lowered over us;
and the Eyes of Allah are focused on us
وَنَخْتِمُ بِالصَّلَاةِ عَلَى مُحَمَّدْ
إِمَـــــامِ الـكُـلِّ خَـيْـرِ الـشَّـافِـعِـيـنَــــا
wanakhtimu biṣ ṣalāti ʿalā muḥammad
imāmil kulli khayrish shāfiʿīnā
We conclude with blessings upon Muḥammad
Leader of All and Best of Intercessors.