أَلَا يَاللَّه بِنَظْرَةْ مِنَ العَيْنِ الرَّحِيمَةْ
تُدَاوِي كُلَّ مَا بِي مِنْ أَمْرَاضٍ سَقِيمَةْ
alā yaālllah binaẓrah minal ʿaynir raḥīmah
tudāwī kulla mā bī min amrāḍin saqīmah
O Allah, [I ask You for] a gaze from Your merciful Eye
That heals all the debilitating diseases within me.
أَلَا يَاصَاحْ يَاصَاحْ لَاتَجْزَعْ وَتَضْجَرْ
وَسَلِّمْ لِلمَقَادِيرْ كَي تُحْمَدْ وَتُؤْجَرْ
alā yāṣāḥ yāṣāḥ lātajzaʿ wataḍjar
wasallim lilmaqādīr kaī tuḥmad watu’jar
O friend, don’t be anxious and irritated,
and submit to the decrees so you are praised and rewarded.
وَكُنْ رَاضِي بِمَا قَدَّرَ المَوْلَى وَدَبَّرْ
وَلَا تَسْخَطْ قَضَا الله رَبِّ العَرْشِ الأَكْبَرْ
wakun rāḍī bimā qaddaral mawlā wadabbar
walā taskhaṭ qaḍa Allah rabbil ʿarshil akbar
And be content with what the Lord decrees and manages,
and do not resent the decree of Allah, the Lord of the Greatest Throne.
وَكُنْ صَابِرْ وَشَاكِرْ (أَلَا يَاللَّه بِنَظْرَةْ)
wakun ṣābir washākir alā yaālllah binaẓrah
And be patient and grateful
تَكُنْ فَائِـــزْ وَظَافِرْ (أَلَا يَاللَّه بِنَظْرَةْ)
takun fā’iz waẓāfir alā yaālllah binaẓrah
You will be successful and triumphant
وَمِنْ أَهْلِ السَّرَائِرْ (أَلَا يَاللَّه بِنَظْرَةْ)
wamin ahlis sarā’ir alā yaālllah binaẓrah
And of the people of secrets
رِجَالُ اللهِ مِنْ كُلِّ ذِي قَلْبٍ مُنَوَّرْ
مُصَفَّى مِنْ جَمِيعِ الدَّنَسْ طَيِّبْ مُطَهَّرْ
rijālu Allahi min kulli dhī qalbin munawwar
muṣaffā min jamīʿid danas ṭayyib muṭahhar
The People of Allah, the possessors of luminous hearts,
cleansed of all filth, pure and unpolluted.
وَذِي دُنْيَا دَنِيَّةْ حَوَادِثْهَا كَثِيرَةْ
وَعِيشَتْهَا حَقِيرَةْ وَمُدَّتْهَا قَصِيرَةْ
wadhī dunyā daniyyah ḥawādithhā kathīrah
waʿīshathā ḥaqīrah wamuddathā qaṣīrah
And this lowly world: its misfortunes are many,
its life is petty, and its time is short.
وَلَايَحْرِصْ عَلَيْهَا سِوَى أَعْمَى البَصِيرَةْ
عَدِيمِ العَقْلِ لَوْ كَانَ يَعْقِلْ كَانَ أَفْكَرْ
walāyaḥriṣ ʿalayhā siwā aʿmal baṣīrah
ʿadīmil ʿaqli law kāna yaʿqil kāna afkar
Only someone whose inner-sight is blind seeks it,
his intellect is nonexistent, had he used his intellect he would be more reflective.
تَفَكَّرْ فِي فَنَاهَا (أَلَا يَاللَّه بِنَظْرَةْ)
tafakkar fī fanāhā alā yaālllah binaẓrah
He would reflect on its perishing
وَفِي كَثْرَةْ عَنَاهَا (أَلَا يَاللَّه بِنَظْرَةْ)
wafī kathrah ʿanāhā alā yaālllah binaẓrah
And the abundance of its difficulties
وَفِي قِلَّةْ غِنَاهَا (أَلَا يَاللَّه بِنَظْرَةْ)
wafī qillah ghināhā alā yaālllah binaẓrah
And how little wealth amounts to
فَطُوبَى ثُمَّ طُوبَى لِمَنْ مِنْهَا تَحَذَّرْ
وَطَلَّقْهَا وَفِي طَاعَةِ الرَّحْمٰنِ شَمَّرْ
faṭūbā thumma ṭūbā liman minhā taḥadhdhar
waṭallaqhā wafī ṭāʿatir raḥmāni shammar
So fortunate and happy is he who’s wary of it,
divorces it, and gets down to doing al-Rahmān’s bidding.
أَلَاْ يَا عَيْنْ جُودِي بِدَمْعٍ مِنْكِ سَائِلْ
عَلَى ذَاكَ الحَبِيبِ الَّذِي قَدْ كَانَ نَازِلْ
alā yā ʿayn jūdī bidamʿin minki sā’il
ʿalā dhākal ḥabībil ladhī qad kāna nāzil
O eyes of mine, send plentiful tears
for that beloved who used to live here.
مَعَانَا فِي المَرَابِعْ وَأَصْبَحْ سَفْرَ رَاحِلْ
وَأَمْسَى القَلبُ وَالبَالْ مِنْ بَعدِهْ مُكَدَّرْ
maʿānā fīl marābiʿ wa aṣbaḥ safra rāḥil
wa amsal qalbu wal baāl min baʿdih mukaddar
among us in the meadows, but who has now departed,
leaving the heart and mind filled with sorrow in the dark night!
وَلَكِنْ حَسْبِيَ الله (أَلَا يَاللَّه بِنَظْرَةْ)
walakin ḥasbiya Allah alā yaālllah binaẓrah
But Allah will suffice me
وَكُلُّ الأَمْرِ لِلَّه (أَلَا يَاللَّه بِنَظْرَةْ)
wakullul amri lillāh alā yaālllah binaẓrah
and all is His to command
وَلَا يَبْقَى سِوَى اللَّه (أَلَا يَاللَّه بِنَظْرَةْ)
walā yabqā siwa Allah alā yaālllah binaẓrah
and naught endures but Allah
عَلَى البَشَّارْ جَادَتْ سَحَائِبْ رَحْمَةِ البَرّ
وَحَيَّاهُمْ بِرَوحِ الرِّضَا رَبِّي وَبَشَّرْ
ʿalal bashshār jādat saḥā’ib raḥmatil barr
waḥayyāhum birawḥir riḍā rabbī wabashshar
May clouds of mercy from the Most Kind rain down on Bashshār
and my Lord greet and bring them joy, news of His good pleasure.
بِهَا سَادَاتُنَا وَالشُّيُوخُ العَارِفُونَا
وَأَهْلُونَا وَأَحْبَابُ قَلْبِي نَازِلُونَا
bihā sādātunā wash shuyūkhul ʿārifūnā
wa ahlūnā wa aḥbābu qalbī nāzilūnā
And likewise for our masters, our teachers and the gnostics,
our families and loved ones, and all who dwell in my heart;
وَمَنْ هُمْ فِي سَرَائِرْ فُؤَادِي قَاطِنُونَا
بِسَاحَةْ تُربُهَا مِنْ ذَكِيِّ المِسْكِ أَعْطَرْ
waman hum fī sarā’ir fuādī qāṭinūnā
bisāḥah turbuhā min dhakiyyil miski aʿṭar
Those who are in my inmost heart.
May they live forever upon that plain whose dust is more fragrant yet than pure musk.
مَنَازِلْ خَيْرِ سَادَةْ (أَلَا يَالله بِنَظْرَةْ)
manāzil khayri sādah alā yaāllh binaẓrah
Tombs of the best of masters,
لِكُلِّ النَّاسْ قَادَةْ (أَلَا يَالله بِنَظْرَةْ)
likullin nās qādah alā yaāllh binaẓrah
the leaders of all mankind,
مَحَبَّتْهُمْ سَعَادَةْ (أَلَا يَالله بِنَظْرَةْ)
maḥabbathum saʿādah alā yaāllh binaẓrah
to love them is true fortune!
أَلَا يَابَخْتَ مَنْ زَارَهُمْ بِالصِّدْقِ وَانْدَرْ
إِلَيْهِمْ مُعْتَنِي كُلُّ مَطْلُوبُهْ تَيَسَّرْ
alā yābakhta man zārahum biṣ ṣidqi wan dar
ilayhim muʿtanī kullu maṭlūbuh tayassar
Lucky are those who visit them sincerely,
and who pledge to them to strive, so all that they seek is granted to them.