قُلْ لِطُلَّابِنَا هَبَّتْ نَسِيمُ البِشَارَةْ
الله الله يَا الله الله الله يَا الله
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَى مَنْ جَائَنَا بِالبِشَارَةْ
Allah Allah ya Allah Allah Allah ya Allah
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalā man jā’anā bil bishārah
Allah Allah O Allah! Allah Allah O Allah!
Prayers and salutations be upon the one who brought us glad tidings
قُلْ لِطُلَّابِنَا هَبَّتْ نَسِيمُ البِشَارَةْ
يَا هَنَا أَهْلِ الصَّفَا يَا فَوْزَ أَهْلِ الطَّهَارَةْ
qul liṭullābinā habbat nasīmul bishārah
yā hanā ahliṣ ṣafā yā fawza ahliṭ ṭahārah
Tell our students, the breeze of glad tidings has approached
O joy to the people of purity, O success for the people of sanctity
الله الله يَا الله الله الله يَا الله
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَى مَنْ جَائَنَا بِالبِشَارَةْ
Allah Allah ya Allah Allah Allah ya Allah
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalā man jā’anā bil bishārah
Allah Allah O Allah! Allah Allah O Allah!
Prayers and salutations be upon the one who brought us glad tidings
قَدْ أَتَتْ يَا أَحِبَّةْ مِنْ حَبِيبِي إِشَارَةْ
هُوْ رَعَانِي وَلِي قَوَّمْ أَسَاسَ العِمَارَةْ
qad atat yā aḥibbah min ḥabībī ishārah
huw raʿānī walī qawwam asāsal ʿimārah
A sign, O dear ones, has come from my beloved
He nurtured me and established the foundation
الله الله يَا الله الله الله يَا الله
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَى مَنْ جَائَنَا بِالبِشَارَةْ
Allah Allah ya Allah Allah Allah ya Allah
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalā man jā’anā bil bishārah
Allah Allah O Allah! Allah Allah O Allah!
Prayers and salutations be upon the one who brought us glad tidings
لَا بِجُهْدِي وَلَا حِيلَةْ وَلَا بِالمَهَارَةْ
خُذْ حَقَائِقْ وَلَا لِي غَيْرْ مَحْضِ السَّفَارَةْ
lā bijuhdī walā ḥīlah walā bil mahārah
khudh ḥaqā’iq walā lī ghayr maḥḍis safārah
Not by my effort, nor by my skill, nor by my expertise
Take the truths, for I have nothing but pure sincerity in my service
الله الله يَا الله الله الله يَا الله
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَى مَنْ جَائَنَا بِالبِشَارَةْ
Allah Allah ya Allah Allah Allah ya Allah
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalā man jā’anā bil bishārah
Allah Allah O Allah! Allah Allah O Allah!
Prayers and salutations be upon the one who brought us glad tidings
مَنْ قَصَدْ وَجْهَ رَبِّهْ قَدْ ظَفِرْ بِالإِمَارَةْ
مَنْ تَوَجَّهْ إِلَيْهْ بِالصِّدْقِ نَحَى السِّتَارَةْ
man qaṣad wajha rabbih qad ẓafir bil imārah
man tawajjah ilayh biṣ ṣidqi naḥas sitārah
Whoever seeks the pleasure of their Lord has certainly attained victory in leadership
Whoever turns to Him with sincerity will be granted the removal of the veil
الله الله يَا الله الله الله يَا الله
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَى مَنْ جَائَنَا بِالبِشَارَةْ
Allah Allah ya Allah Allah Allah ya Allah
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalā man jā’anā bil bishārah
Allah Allah O Allah! Allah Allah O Allah!
Prayers and salutations be upon the one who brought us glad tidings
وَبَدَتْ لُهْ مَعَانِي مَا تَسَعْهَا العِبَارَةْ
وَبِهَا صَارَ لَيْلُهْ يَا الأَحِبَّةْ نَهَارَهْ
wabadat luh maʿānī mā tasaʿhal ʿibārah
wabihā ṣāra layluh yal aḥibbah nahārah
And to him will be revealed meanings that no expression can contain
And through it, his night became as bright as day, O dear ones
الله الله يَا الله الله الله يَا الله
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَى مَنْ جَائَنَا بِالبِشَارَةْ
Allah Allah ya Allah Allah Allah ya Allah
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalā man jā’anā bil bishārah
Allah Allah O Allah! Allah Allah O Allah!
Prayers and salutations be upon the one who brought us glad tidings
يَا إِلَهِي بِطَهَ وَاآلِهْ أَهْلِ الطَّهَارَةْ
وَالمُهَاجِرْ عَظِيمِ الشَّانِ سَامِي الخَفَارَةْ
yā ilahī biṭaha wa ālih ahliṭ ṭahārah
wal muhājir ʿaẓīmish shāni sāmīl khafārah
O my Lord, by Taha and the people of purity, the people of sanctity
And the one who migrated, great in stature, lofty in dignity
الله الله يَا الله الله الله يَا الله
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَى مَنْ جَائَنَا بِالبِشَارَةْ
Allah Allah ya Allah Allah Allah ya Allah
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalā man jā’anā bil bishārah
Allah Allah O Allah! Allah Allah O Allah!
Prayers and salutations be upon the one who brought us glad tidings
وَالفَقِيهِ المُقَدَّمْ سَيِّدْ أَهْلِ الصَّدَارَةْ
وَابْنِ سَالِمْ وَكَمْ مِنْ وَجِهْ فِيهِ النَّضَارَةْ
wal faqīhil muqaddam sayyid ahliṣ ṣadārah
wab ni sālim wakam min wajih fīhin naḍārah
And the esteemed jurist, the leader of the people of excellence
And the son of Salim, and how many faces in him bear radiance
الله الله يَا الله الله الله يَا الله
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَى مَنْ جَائَنَا بِالبِشَارَةْ
Allah Allah ya Allah Allah Allah ya Allah
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalā man jā’anā bil bishārah
Allah Allah O Allah! Allah Allah O Allah!
Prayers and salutations be upon the one who brought us glad tidings
أَصْلِحِ الشَّانْ يَا مَوْلَايْ وَأَطْفِ الحَرَارَةْ
وَاقْمَعْ أَهْلَ الضَّلَالَةْ وَالحَسَدْ وَالقَذَارَةْ
aṣliḥish shān yā mawlāy wa aṭfil ḥarārah
waq maʿ ahlaḍ ḍalālah wal ḥasad wal qadhārah
Set right the affairs, O my Master, and put out the burning heat
Suppress the people of misguidance, envy, and impurity
الله الله يَا الله الله الله يَا الله
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَى مَنْ جَائَنَا بِالبِشَارَةْ
Allah Allah ya Allah Allah Allah ya Allah
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalā man jā’anā bil bishārah
Allah Allah O Allah! Allah Allah O Allah!
Prayers and salutations be upon the one who brought us glad tidings
نَنْظُرْ أَعْلَامْ طَهَ قَدْ بَدَتْ فِي جِهَارَهْ
تُشْرِقْ أَنْوَارُهَا فِي البَاطِنَةْ وَالظِّهَارَةْ
nanẓur aʿlām ṭaha qad badat fī jihārah
tushriq anwāruhā fīl bāṭinah waẓ ẓihārah
We look upon the signs of Taha, as they have appeared in his banner
Its lights shine in the interior and exterior
الله الله يَا الله الله الله يَا الله
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَى مَنْ جَائَنَا بِالبِشَارَةْ
Allah Allah ya Allah Allah Allah ya Allah
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalā man jā’anā bil bishārah
Allah Allah O Allah! Allah Allah O Allah!
Prayers and salutations be upon the one who brought us glad tidings
وَاحْفَظِ الكُلَّ مِنْ أَصْحَابِنَا وَاحْمِ جَارَهْ
كُلَّ سَاعَةْ لَهُمْ تَأْتِي بِفَضْلِكَ بِشَارَةْ
waḥ faẓil kulla min aṣḥābinā waḥ mi jārah
kulla sāʿah lahum ta’tī bifaḍlika bishārah
And protect all of our friends and protect their neighbors.
Every hour brings them good news, thanks to you.
الله الله يَا الله الله الله يَا الله
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَى مَنْ جَائَنَا بِالبِشَارَةْ
Allah Allah ya Allah Allah Allah ya Allah
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalā man jā’anā bil bishārah
Allah Allah O Allah! Allah Allah O Allah!
Prayers and salutations be upon the one who brought us glad tidings
وَاجْعَلِ الكُلَّ فِي الفِرْدَوْسْ يَا الله قَرَارَهْ
مَعْ رِجَالِ النَّقَا أَجْمَعْ وَأَهْلِ الصَّدَارَةْ
waj ʿalil kulla fīl firdaws ya Allah qarārah
maʿ rijālin naqā ajmaʿ wa ahliṣ ṣadārah
And make everyone's abode in Paradise, O God.
With all the men of purity and the leaders
الله الله يَا الله الله الله يَا الله
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَى مَنْ جَائَنَا بِالبِشَارَةْ
Allah Allah ya Allah Allah Allah ya Allah
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalā man jā’anā bil bishārah
Allah Allah O Allah! Allah Allah O Allah!
Prayers and salutations be upon the one who brought us glad tidings
مَنْهَجْ أَهْلِ الهُدَى لِي يَحْكُمُونَ السَّيَارَةْ
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَى مَنْ رَفَعَ اللهُ مَنَارَهْ
manhaj ahlil hudā lī yaḥkumūnas sayārah
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalā man rafaʿa Allahu manārah
The approach of the people of guidance to rule the car
And prayers be upon the one whose beacon God raised
الله الله يَا الله الله الله يَا الله
وَالصَّلَاةُ عَلَى مَنْ جَائَنَا بِالبِشَارَةْ
Allah Allah ya Allah Allah Allah ya Allah
waṣ ṣalātu ʿalā man jā’anā bil bishārah
Allah Allah O Allah! Allah Allah O Allah!
Prayers and salutations be upon the one who brought us glad tidings
أَحْمَدَ المُصْطَفَى وَالآلِ أَهْلِ الطَّهَارَةْ
وَالصَّحَابَةْ وَمَنْ رَفَعْ بِصِدْقِهْ شِعَارَهْ
aḥmadal muṣṭafā wal āli ahliṭ ṭahārah
waṣ ṣaḥābah waman rafaʿ biṣidqih shiʿārah
Ahmad the Chosen One and his family, the people of purity
And the companions and whoever raised his slogan with his honesty