سَلَامٌ سَلَامٌ كَمِسكِ الخِتَامْ
عَلَيْكُمْ أُحَيْبَابَنَا يَا كِرَامْ
salāmun salāmun kamiskil khitām
ʿalaykum uḥaybābanā yā kirām
Peace; peace - like the fragrant seal of musk -
upon you, my beloveds, O noble ones
وَ مَنْ ذِكْرُهُمْ أُنْسُنَا فِي الظَّلَامْ
وَ نُورٌ لَنَا بَيْنَ هَذَا الأَنَامْ
wa man dhikruhum unsunā fīẓ ẓalām
wa nūrun lanā bayna hadhal anām
Those whose mention is our comfort in the darkness
and a light for us amongst this creation
سَكَنْتُمْ فُؤَادِي وَ رَبِّ العِبَادْ
وَ أَنْتُم مَرَامِي وَ أَقْصَى المُرَادْ
sakantum fuādī wa rabbil ʿibād
wa antum marāmī wa aqṣal murād
You have resided in my heart. By the Lord of creation
and you are my aim and the furthest of my goals
فَهَلْ تُسْعِدُونِي بِصَفْوِ الوِدَادْ
وَ هَلْ تَمْنَحُونِي شَرِيفَ المَقَامْ
fahal tusʿidūnī biṣafwil widād
wa hal tamnaḥūnī sharīfal maqām
Will you not then bless me with the pure drink of love
and will you bestow upon my the noblests of stations
أَنَا عَبْدُكُمْ يَا أُهَيْلَ الوَفَا
وَ فِي قُرْبِكُمْ مَرْهَمِي وَ الشِّفَا
anā ʿabdukum yā uhaylal wafā
wa fī qurbikum marhamī wash shifā
I am your servant, O people of true loyalty
and in nearness to you is my treatment and cure
فَلَا تُسْقِمُونِي بِطُولِ الجَفَا
وَ مُنُّوا بِوَصْلٍ وَ لَوْ فِي المَنَامْ
falā tusqimūnī biṭūlil jafā
wa munnū biwaṣlin wa law fīl manām
Do not cause me illness by long periods of distance
and bless me with union, even if in a dream
أَمُوتُ وَ أَحْيَى عَلَى حُبِّكُمْ
وَ ذُلِّي لَدَيْكُمْ وَ عِزِّي بِكُمْ
amūtu wa aḥyā ʿalā ḥubbikum
wa dhullī ladaykum wa ʿizzī bikum
I die and live upon your love
and my humility lies before you and my honor is through you
وَ رَاحَاتُ رُوحِي رَجَا قُرْبِكُمْ
وَ عَزْمِي وَ قَصْدِي إِلَيْكُمْ دَوَامْ
wa rāḥātu rūḥī rajā qurbikum
wa ʿazmī wa qaṣdī ilaykum dawam
The peace of my soul is hope of your nearness
and my resolve and my pursuit of you is everlasting
فَلَا عِشْتُ إِنْ كَانَ قَلْبِي سَكَنْ
إِلَى البُعْدِ عَنْ أَهْلِهِ وَ الوَطَنْ
falā ʿishtu in kāna qalbī sakan
ilal buʿdi ʿan ahlihi wal waṭan
I have not lived if my heart resides
at distance from its people and its homeland
وَ مَنْ حبُّهُمْ فِي الحَشَا قَدْ قَطَنْ
وَ خَامَرَ مِنِّي جَمِيعَ العِظَامْ
wa man ḥbbuhum fīl ḥashā qad qaṭan
wa khāmara minnī jamīʿal ʿiẓām
And those whose love has inhabited my heart
and covered all of my bones
إِذَا مَرَّ بِالقَلْبِ ذِكْرُ الحَبِيبْ
وَ وَادِي العَقِيقِ وَ ذَاكَ الكَثِيبْ
idhā marra bil qalbi dhikrul ḥabīb
wa wādīl ʿaqīqi wa dhākal kathīb
When the mention of the beloved passes my heart
and the Valley of the Canyon and that sand dunes
يَمِيلُ كَمَيْلِ القَضِيبِ الرَّطِيبْ
وَيَهْتَزُّ مِنْ شَوْقِهِ وَ الغَرَامْ
yamīlu kamaylil qaḍībir raṭīb
wayahtazzu min shawqihi wal gharām
it sways like the moist reed
and quakes from its love and yearning
أَمُوتُ وَ مَا زُرْتُ ذَاكَ الفِنَا
وَ تِلْكَ الخِيَامَ وَ فِيهَا المُنَى
amūtu wa mā zurtu dhākal finā
wa tilkal khiyāma wa fīhal munā
I will die having not visited that courtyard
and those tents containing within them all bliss
وَ لَم أَدْنُ يَوْماً مَعَ مَنْ دَنَا
لِلَثْمِ المُحَيَّا وَ شُرْبِ المُدَامْ
wa lam adnu yawman maʿa man danā
lilathmil muḥayyā wa shurbil mudām
I have not drawn near, a single day, with those who drew near
to kiss the face and drink the wine
لَئِنْ كَانَ هَذَا فَيَا غُرْبَتِي
وَ يَا طُولَ حُزْنِي وَ يَا كُرْبَتِي
la’in kāna hadhā fayā ghurbatī
wa yā ṭūla ḥuznī wa yā kurbatī
If this is the case, then how great is my alienation?
How long is my grief and how is my calamity
وَ لِي حُسْنُ ظَنٍّ بِهِ قُرْبَتِي
بِرَبِّي وَ حَسْبِي بِهِ يَا غُلَامْ
wa lī ḥusnu ẓannin bihi qurbatī
birabbī wa ḥasbī bihi yā ghulām
I have beautiful opinions that I will be near to you
to my Lord and my Sufficiency, O student
عَسَى اللهُ يَشْفِي غَلِيلَ الصُّدُودْ
بِوَصْلِ الحَبَايِبْ وَ فَكِّ القُيُودْ
ʿasa Allahu yashfī ghalīlaṣ ṣudūd
biwaṣlil ḥabāyib wa fakkil quyūd
Perhaps Allah will cure the pain of being shunned
through union with the beloveds and unfettering the shackles
فَرَبِّي رَحِيمٌ كَرِيمٌ وَدُودْ
يَجُودُ عَلَى مَن يَشَا بِالمَرَامْ
farabbī raḥīmun karīmun wadūd
yajūdu ʿalā man yashā bil marām
For my Lord is Merciful, Generous, and Loving
He bestows generously who he wills with attainment