يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
O Allah! Grant a Beautiful Seal
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
يَا اهْلَ العُقُولِ السَّالِمَةْ
وَ اهْلَ القُلُوبِ العَالِمَةْ
yā āhlal ʿuqūlis sālimah
wa hlal qulūbil ʿālimah
O people of sound intellects
and people of knowledgeable hearts
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
قُولُوا بِهِمَّةْ عَازِمَةْ
وَ بِصِدْقِ نِــيَّــةْ جَازِمَةْ
qūlū bihimmah ʿāzimah
wa biṣidqi niyyah jāzimah
Say, with resolute aspiration
and with truthful firm intentions
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
فَهْيَ إِلَيْهَا المُنْتَهَى
قَدْ قَالَ أَرْبَابُ النُّهَى
fahya ilayhāl muntahā
qad qāla arbābun nuhā
For it is the ultimate end
as the people of intellect has declared
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
دَعْوَةْ عَجِيبَةْ تَامَّةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
daʿwah ʿajībah tāmmah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
An complete amazing supplication
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
يَا رَبَّنَا يَا رَبَّنَا
أُلْطُفْ بِنَا وَ اغْفِرْ لَنَا
yā rabbanā yā rabbanā
ulṭuf binā wa ghfir lanā
O Lord, O Lord, O Lord
Be gentle and forgive us
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
و اخْتِمْ بِخَيْرٍ إِنْ دَنَى
إِبَّانَ يَوْمِ الطَّامَّةْ
w ākhtim bikhayrin in danā
ibbāna yawmiṭ ṭāmmah
Give us a good ending, when it draws near:
the time of the Day of Disaster
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
فَالمَوْتُ آتٍ عَنْ قَرِيبْ
كُلٌّ لَهُ مِنْهُ نَصِيبْ
fal mawtu ātin ʿan qarīb
kullun lahu minhu naṣīb
For death is coming soon
everyone will have their portion of it
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
مَن كَانَ دَانٍ أَوْ نَسِيبْ
فَهْوَ مُصِيبَةْ عَامَّةْ
man kāna dānin aw nasīb
fahwa muṣībah ʿāmmah
Whether one is of lowly or noble lineage
It is truly an all encompassing tribulation
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
ثُمَّ إِذَا مُتَّ أَتَوْكْ
وَ غَسَّلُوكَ وَكَفَّنُوكْ
thumma idhā mutta atawk
wa ghassalūka wa kaffanūk
Then, when you die, they come to you
and wash and shroud you
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
وَ شَيَّعُوكْ وَ أَلْحَدُوكْ
وَ صِرْتَ جِيفَةْ خَامَّةْ
wa shayyaʿūk wa alḥadūk
wa ṣirta jīfah khāmmah
they will follow you to the grave and bury you
and you become a decomposed carcass
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
يارَبِّ كُنْ لِي يَا مُعِينْ
إِذَا رَشَحْ عَظْمُ الجَبِينْ
īārabbi kun lī yā muʿīn
idhā rashaḥ ʿaẓmul jabīn
O Lord, be there for me; O Helper
when the sweat of the forehead flows forth
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
وَ اخْتِمْ إِلَهِي بِاليَقِينْ
مِنْ قَبْلِ لَوْمِ اللَّائِمَةْ
wa khtim ilahī bil yaqīn
min qabli lawmil lā’imah
O God, allow me to end with certainty
before the rebuke of the rebuker comes (i.e., death)
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
دُنْيَاكَ مَا هِي لِلمَقَرّ
وَ إِنَّمَا هِي لِلمَمَرّ
dunyāka mā hī lilmaqarr
wa innamā hī lilmamarr
Your worldly life is not for you to remain
It is only for you to transition through
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
فَافْكِرْ وَ أَمْعِنْ فِي النَّظَرْ
وَ لَاتَكُنْ كَالسَّائِمَةْ
fa āfkir wa amʿin fīn naẓar
wa lātakun kālssā’imah
So think and reflect deeply
Do not be like cattle
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
يا رَبِّ مَا مَعْنَا عَمَلْ
وَ كَسْبُنَا كُلُّهْ زَلَلْ
īā rabbi mā maʿnā ʿamal
wa kasbunā kulluh zalal
O Lord, we have no deeds to show
and all our efforts are nothing but slip ups
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
لَكِنْ لَنَا فِيكَ أَمَلْ
تُحْيِي العِظَامَ الرَّامَّةْ
lakin lanā fīka amal
tuḥyīl ʿiẓāmar rāmmah
However, we have great hopes in you
that you will bring life again to decayed bones
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
قَدْ حَانَ حِيْنُ الِانْتِقَالْ
وَ العُمْرُ وَلَّى فِي ضَلَالْ
qad ḥāna ḥiynul iāntiqāl
wal ʿumru wa llā fī ḍalāl
The time of transition has come
and life was wasted in misguidance
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
لَكِنِّي أَرجُو ذَا الجَلَالْ
بِجَاهْ وَالِدْ فَاطِمَةْ
lakinnī arjū dhāl jalāl
bijāh wal id fa āṭimah
However, I hope, O Possessor of Majesty
by the rank of the father of Fāṭima
يَا الله بِهَا يَا الله بِهَا
يَا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
yā Allah bihā yā Allah bihā
yā Allah biḥusnil khātimah
O Allah, bless us with it. O Allah, bless us with it.
O Allah, bless us with a beautiful end
بِجَاهْ وَالِد فَاطِمَةْ
اُمْنُنْ بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَةْ
bijāh wal id fa āṭimah
āumnun biḥusnil khātimah
By the rank of the father of Fāṭima,
bless us with a beautiful ending.