صَلُّوا عَلَى النُّورِ الَّذِي عَرَجَ السَّمَا
Invoke Blessings Upon the Light Who Ascended the Celestial Realm
صَلُّوا عَلَى النُّورِ الَّذِي عَرَجَ السَّمَا
يَا فَوْزَ مَن صَلَّى عَلَيْهِ وَ سَلَّمَا
ṣallū ʿalan nūril ladhī ʿarajas samā
yā fawza man ṣallā ʿalayhi wa sallamā
Pray upon the light that ascended the sky
Oh, the fortune of those who pray upon him and send peace
جَادَتْ سُلَيْمَى بِالْوِصَالِ تَكَرُّمَا
فَسَرَى السُّرُورُ إلَى الفُؤَادِ وَ خَيَّمَا
jādat sulaymā bil wiṣāli takarrumā
fasaras surūru alal fuādi wa khayyamā
Suleima bestowed union graciously
Joy spread to the heart and settled therein
يَا حُسْنَ مَا جَادَتْ بِهِ فِي وَصْلِهَا
أَهْلاً بِوَصْلٍ فِيهِ نِلْتُ المَغْنَمَا
yā ḥusna mā jādat bihi fī waṣlihā
ahlan biwaṣlin fīhi niltul maghnamā
Oh, the beauty of what she granted in her union
Welcome to a union where I gained the prize
مِنَنٌ تَسَارَعَتِ العُقُولُ لِنَيْلِهَا
وَ هِبَاتُ فَضْلٍ أَوْرَثَتْنَا أَنْـعُمَا
minanun tasāraʿatil ʿuqūlu linaylihā
wa hibātu faḍlin awrathatnā anʿumā
Gifts that minds hasten to attain
And blessings of grace that bestowed upon us abundance
يَا حَادِيَ العِيسِ الرَّوَاسِمِ عُجْ بِهَا
سَفْحَ العَقِيقِ وَ حُطَّ رَحْلَكَ فِي الحِمَى
yā ḥādiyal ʿīsir rawāsimi ʿuj bihā
safḥal ʿaqīqi wa ḥuṭṭa raḥlaka fīl ḥimā
Oh, camel driver of the marked camels, stop with them
At the foot of Al-Aqiq and set your camp in the sanctuary
فِي مَـنْـزِلِ الجُودِ الغَـزِيرِ وَ مَنْبَعِ
الفَضْلِ الكَبِيرِ وَ خَيْرِ مَجْدٍ قَدْ نَمَا
fī manzilil jūdil ghazīri wa manbaʿi
alfaḍlil kabīri wa khayri majdin qad nama
In the abode of abundant generosity and the source of
Great virtue and the best of glory that has grown
فِي جَنَّةٍ مَا شَاقَنِي مِنْ وَصْفِهَا
إِلَّا لِكَوْنِ الحِبِّ فِيهَا خَيَّمَا
fī jannatin mā shāqanī min waṣfihā
illā likawnil ḥibbi fīhā khayyamā
In a paradise, what has enchanted me from its description
Except for the presence of the beloved who resides there
فَمَتَى أَرَاهَا لَاثِمَاً لِتُرَابِهَا
يَا لَيْتَنِي لِلـتُّرْبِ ذَالِكَ أَلْثَمَا
famatā arāhā lāthimāan liturābihā
yā laytanī liltturbi dhālika althamā
When shall I see it, kissing its soil
Oh, how I wish to kiss that soil
رِفْقَاً بِقَلْبٍ فِي الهَوَى مُتَعَلِّقٌ
بِمَطَامِعٍ يَرْجُو بِهَا أنْ يُكْرَمَا
rifqāan biqalbin fīl hawā mutaʿalliqun
bimaṭāmiʿin yarjū bihā an yukramā
Gentle with a heart attached in love
With aspirations hoping to be honored
إِنِّي إِذَا ذُكِرَتْ مَنَازِلُ سَادَتِي
كَادَتْ دُمُوعُ العَيْنِ أَنْ تَجْرِي دَمَا
innī idhā dhukirat manāzilu sādatī
kādat dumūʿul ʿayni an tajrī damā
When the homes of my masters are mentioned
The tears of my eyes almost flow as blood
أوْ شَاهَدَتْ عَيْنَايَ مُوطِنَ قُرْبِهِمْ
أَلْفَيْتَنِي أَحْرَمْتُ فِي مَنْ أَحْرَمَا
āw shāhadat ʿaynāya mūṭina qurbihim
alfaytanī aḥramtu fī man aḥramā
Or when my eyes behold their near abode
I find myself consecrated among those who are consecrated
قَسَمَاً بِرَبِّ الْبَيْتِ مَا ذُكِرَ النَّقَى
وَ المُنْحَنَى إلَّا وَ كُنْتُ مُـتَـيَمَّا
qasamāan birabbil bayti mā dhukiran naqā
wal munḥanā allā wa kuntu mutayammā
I swear by the Lord of the House, whenever the pure is mentioned
And the graceful, I am always enamored
يَا لَيْلَةً بَاتَ الحَبِيبُ يُدِيرُ مِنْ
كَأْسِ الوِصَالِ مُدَامَةً مَا أَنْعَمَا
yā laylatan bātal ḥabību yudīru min
ka sil wiṣāli mudāmatan mā anʿamā
Oh, a night when the beloved served from
The cup of union, a drink so delightful
شَوْقِي إِلَى دَارِ الْحَبِيبِ مُحَمَّدٍ
شَوْقٌ تَمَكَّنَ فِي الْحَشَا وَ تَكَتَّمَا
shawqī ilā dāril ḥabībi muḥammadin
shawqun tamakkana fīl ḥashā wa takattamā
My longing for the abode of the beloved Muhammad ﷺ
A longing that has settled in the heart and remained hidden
دَارٌ حَوَتْ نِعَمَ الإِلَهِ جَمِيعَهَا
مُذْ حَلَّ فِيهَا خَيْرُ عَبْدٍ قَدْ سَمَا
dārun ḥawat niʿamal ilahi jamīʿahā
mudh ḥalla fīhā khayru ʿabdin qad samā
A dwelling that contained all of God's blessings
Since the best of servants, who has ascended, settled there