رَمَضَانُ تَجَلَّى وابْتَسَمَ
Ramadan Appears Smiling
رَمَضانُ تَجَلّى وَابْتَسَمَ
طُوبَى لِلْعَبْدِ إِذَا اغْتَنَمَ
ramaḍānu tajallā wab tasama
ṭūbā lilʿabdi idhagh tanama
Ramadan appears, splendid and smiling
Blessed is the servant who reaps its benefits!
أَرْضَى مَوْلَاهُ بِمَا الْـتَـزَمَ
طُوبَى لِلنَّفْسِ بِـتَـقْوَاهَا
arḍā mawlāhu bimal tazama
ṭūbā lilnnafsi bitaqwāhā
He will please his Master by observing [acts of worship]
Blessed be the soul for its taqwa!
رَمَضَانُ زَمَانُ الحَسَنَاتِ
رَمَضَانُ زَمَانُ البَرَكَاتِ
ramaḍānu zamānul ḥasanāti
ramaḍānu zamānul barakāti
Ramadan is a time for good deeds
Ramadan is a time of blessings
رَمَضَانُ مَجَالُ الصَّلَواتِ
يَسْمُو بَالنَّفْسِ لِمَوْلَاهَا
ramaḍānu majāluṣ ṣalawāti
yasmū ban nafsi limawlāhā
Ramadan is an occasion for prayers
By which the soul rises to its Lord
رَمَضانُ تَجَلّى وَابْتَسَمَ
طُوبَى لِلْعَبْدِ إِذَا اغْتَنَمَ
ramaḍānu tajallā wab tasama
ṭūbā lilʿabdi idhagh tanama
Ramadan appears, splendid and smiling
Blessed is the servant who reaps its benefits!
أَرْضَى مَوْلَاهُ بِمَا الْـتَـزَمَ
طُوبَى لِلنَّفْسِ بِـتَـقْوَاهَا
arḍā mawlāhu bimal tazama
ṭūbā lilnnafsi bitaqwāhā
He will please his Master by observing [acts of worship]
Blessed be the soul for its taqwa!
رَمَضَانُ طَهُورُ الأَرْوَاحِ
رَمَضَانُ زَمَانُ الأَفْرَاحِ
ramaḍānu ṭahūrul arwāḥi
ramaḍānu zamānul afrāḥi
Ramadan is a time for purifying the soul
Ramadan is a time of joy
رَمَضَانُ مَنَارُ الإِصْلَاحِ
فِي دُنْيَا النَّاسِ وَأُخْرَاهَا
ramaḍānu manārul iṣlāḥi
fī dunyan nāsi wa ukhrāhā
Ramadan is the guide to put things right
In this life and the life to come
رَمَضانُ تَجَلّى وَابْتَسَمَ
طُوبَى لِلْعَبْدِ إِذَا اغْتَنَمَ
ramaḍānu tajallā wab tasama
ṭūbā lilʿabdi idhagh tanama
Ramadan appears, splendid and smiling
Blessed is the servant who reaps its benefits!
أَرْضَى مَوْلَاهُ بِمَا الْـتَـزَمَ
طُوبَى لِلنَّفْسِ بِـتَـقْوَاهَا
arḍā mawlāhu bimal tazama
ṭūbā lilnnafsi bitaqwāhā
He will please his Master by observing [acts of worship]
Blessed be the soul for its taqwa!
رَمَضَانُ يُكَفِّرُ مَا فَرَطَا
مِنْ خَطَإِ النَّاسِ وَمَا اخْتَلَطَا
ramaḍānu yukaffiru mā faraṭā
min khaṭa’in nāsi wamakh talaṭā
Ramadan amends the shortcomings
Of people, and their mistakes
فَعَسَى مِنْ عَفْوِ اللّٰهِ عَطَا
لِقُلُوبِ الأُمَّةِ يَرْعَاهَا
faʿasā min ʿafwillāhi ʿaṭā
liqulūbil ummati yarʿāhā
May Allah by His Forgiveness
Fill the hearts of the Umma with His caring love