إِنْ قِيلَ زُرْتُمْ
If It Is Said That You Have Visited
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدْ
يَا رَبِّ صَلِّ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلِّـمْ
Allahumma ṣalli ʿalā muḥammad
yā rabbi ṣalli ʿalayhi wasallim
O Allah! Send blessing upon Muhammad!
O Lord! Send blessings upon him and peace!
إِنْ قِيلَ زُرْتُمْ بِمَ رَجَعْتُمْ
يَا أَكْرَمَ الخَلْقِ مَا نَقُولُ
in qīla zurtum bima rajaʿtum
yā akramal khalqi mā naqūlu
If it is said: “You visited, so what did you return with?”
O Most Honorable of Creation, what shall we say?
قُولُوا رَجَعْنَا بِكُلِّ خَيْرٍ
وَاجْتَمَعَ الْفَرْعُ وَالْأُصُولُ
qūlū rajaʿnā bikulli khayrin
waj tamaʿal farʿu wal uṣūlu
Say: We returned with every good,
And the Original was united its Branch
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدْ
يَا رَبِّ صَلِّ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلِّـمْ
Allahumma ṣalli ʿalā muḥammad
yā rabbi ṣalli ʿalayhi wasallim
O Allah! Send blessing upon Muhammad!
O Lord! Send blessings upon him and peace!
لَوْلَاكَ يَا زِينَةَ الوُجُودِ
مَا طَابَ عَيْشِي وَلَا وُجُودِي
lawlāka yā zīnatal wujūdi
mā ṭāba ʿayshī walā wujūdī
If not for you, o Beauty of existence
My living and existence would not be pleasant
وَلَا تَرَنَّمْتُ فِي صَلَاتِي
وَلَا رُكُوعِي وَلَا سُجُودِي
walā tarannamtu fī ṣalātī
walā rukūʿī walā sujūdī
And I would not have swayed (out of ecstasy) in my prayer
Nor in my ruku’ or my prostration
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدْ
يَا رَبِّ صَلِّ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلِّـمْ
Allahumma ṣalli ʿalā muḥammad
yā rabbi ṣalli ʿalayhi wasallim
O Allah! Send blessing upon Muhammad!
O Lord! Send blessings upon him and peace!
أَيَا لَيَالِي الرِّضَى عَلَيْنَا
عُودِي لِيَخْضَرَّ مِنْكَ عُودِي
ayā layālīr riḍā ʿalaynā
ʿūdī liyakhḍarra minka ʿūdī
O nights of contentment! To us
Return so my stem can turn green
عُودِي عَلَيْنَا بِكُلِّ خَيْرٍ
بِالمُصْطَفَى طَيِّبِ الْجُدُودِ
ʿūdī ʿalaynā bikulli khayrin
bil muṣṭafā ṭayyibil judūdi
Return to us with every goodness
With the Mustafa (Chose One), the One of pleasing forefathers
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدْ
يَا رَبِّ صَلِّ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلِّـمْ
Allahumma ṣalli ʿalā muḥammad
yā rabbi ṣalli ʿalayhi wasallim
O Allah! Send blessing upon Muhammad!
O Lord! Send blessings upon him and peace!
ثُمَّ الصَّلَاةُ عَلَى نَبِينَا
وآلِهِ الرُّكَّعِ الْسُّجُودِ
thummaṣ ṣalātu ʿalā nabīnā
wālihir rukkaʿil ssujūdi
Then prayers upon our Prophet
And his family, the ones in prostration and ruku’