Part 2 – The Meccan Period
When he ﷺ reached the age of thirty-five, the foundation of the Ka‘ba was destroyed by violent floods. The Quraysh rebuilt the Ka‘ba, but they differed over who would place the Black Stone in its corner. Each tribal leader wanted the honor of carrying it and returning it to its place. They disputed and the argument escalated, but they then agreed that the first person to enter the Holy Sanctuary would arbitrate between them. The Prophet ﷺ was the first to enter, so they said, “This is Muhammad ‘the Trustworthy’. We are satisfied with him as an arbitrator.” This was a sign of what was to come of his leadership over them, when Allah ﷻ would bestow upon him ﷺ the honor of Prophethood.
At the age of , seclusion became beloved to him. He ﷺ would go to Cave Ḥirā’ to engage in worship. When his provisions ran out, he would return to Sayyida Khadija to get more.
When he ﷺ reached the age of forty, Allah ﷻ sent him as a Messenger to all creation. “The beginning of the Messenger of Allah’s revelation ﷺ was through righteous dreams in his sleep. Whenever he would have a dream, it would happen as clear as daybreak.”
One night, the Angel Jibrīl came to him and said, “Recite.” He replied, “I am not a reciter.” The Prophet said, “He then took me and squeezed me until I could almost take it no more. Then he let me go. He then said, ‘Recite.’ I replied, ‘I am not a reciter.’ He then took me and squeezed me until I could almost take it no more.” After the third time, he said, “Read in the Name of your Lord Who created—created humans from a clinging clot. Read! And your Lord is Most Generous, Who taught by the Pen—taught humanity what they knew not.” [Quran :-]
The Prophet ﷺ called people to the Oneness of Allah, initially doing so in secret. At the time, a small group of men and women entered Islam. The first of them was Sayyida Khadīja, Abū Bakr al-Ṣiddīq, ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib, and Zayd ibn Ḥāritha.
Allah ﷻ then revealed to Him, “So openly proclaim what you have been commanded and turn away from the polytheists.” [Quran :] He then publicly called creation to the Oneness of Allah and to prepare for the meeting with Him ﷻ, showing them the falsehood of polytheism. In return, he and his Companions faced unspeakable persecution.
Abū Ṭālib, his uncle, helped him and was able to offer him some protection from his people. His wife, Sayyida Khadīja, was his resolute supporter and offered him strength as he withstood the harm of his enemies. Abū Bakr al-Ṣiddīq advocated for him and aided him with his wealth and influence.
The harms and difficulties that the Muslims faced from the polytheists intensified. They would withhold water from them, torture them with fire, and submerge them in water—and they suffered all other kinds of injury. The noble Companions were patient. Some of them died, and a group of them migrated to Abyssinia, which was ruled by a Christian king.
Nevertheless, Islam continued to spread, which made the polytheists intensify their abuse. In the th year after Revelation they conspired to place a ban on the Muslims. This was among the greatest tribulations they faced, such that the only food they had to eat was tree leaves, bark, and animal skin. After going through this for almost three years—which were among the hardest years in history—Allah ﷻ brought them relief.