رَمَضَانُ شَهْرُ التَّجَلِّي مِنْ إلَهيَ الْكَرِيمِ
Ramadan, in it is the giving from the bounty of my great Lord
الله الله يا الله الله الله يا الله الله الله يا الله
يا رِبِّ صَلِّ علَى طَه الرَّؤوفِ الرَّحيْم
Allah Allah īa Allah Allah Allah īa Allah Allah Allah īa Allah
īā ribbi ṣalli ʿlā ṭahr ra’wfir raḥym
Allah, Allah, O Allah, Allah, Allah, O Allah, Allah, Allah, O Allah
O Lord, bless Taha, the compassionate, the merciful
رَمَضَانُ شَهْرُ التَّجَلِّي مِنْ إلَهيَ الْكَرِيمِ
رَمَضَانُ فِيهِ الْعَطَا مِنْ فَضْلِ رَبِّي عَظِيمْ
ramaḍānu shahrut tajallī min alahyal karīmi
ramaḍānu fīhil ʿaṭā min faḍli rabbī ʿaẓīm
Ramadan is the month of manifestation from my generous God
Ramadan, in it is the giving from the bounty of my great Lord
رَمَضَانُ فِيهِ الْكَرَمْ مِنْ خَيْرِ وَاهِبْ كَرِيمْ
كَمْ مِنْ مِنَحْ كَمْ عَطَايَا مَا تُقَوَّمْ بِقِيمْ
ramaḍānu fīhil karam min khayri wāhib karīm
kam min minaḥ kam ʿaṭāyā mā tuqawwam biqīm
Ramadan, in it is the generosity from the best generous giver
How many gifts, how many bounties, cannot be valued
وَكَمْ مِنْ أَسْرَارْ فِيهَا كُلُّ لُبٍّ يَهِيمْ
ألبَابُ أَهْلِ الْهُدَى مِنْ كُلِّ عَارِفْ حَلِيمْ
wakam min asrār fīhā kullu lubbin yahīm
ālbābu ahlil hudā min kulli ʿārif ḥalīm
And how many secrets in it, every heart is passionate
The hearts of the people of guidance from every knowledgeable patient
رَحَماتٌ صُبَّتْ عَلَيْهِمْ مِنْ إِلَهٍ رَحِيمٍ
فَالكُلُّ أَمْسَى لِحِبِّهْ فِي المَحَاضِر نَدِيمْ
raḥamātun ṣubbat ʿalayhim min ilahin raḥīmin
fal kullu amsā liḥibbih fīl maḥāḍir nadīm
Mercies poured upon them from a merciful God
So everyone became fond of him in the presence of the generous
الكَأْسُ دَائِرْ وَسَاقِيْهُم نَوَالُهُ فَخِيمْ
يَا مَنْ لَهُ قَلْبٌ رَاغِبْ فِي المَعَالِي سَلِيمْ
alka’su dā’ir wasāqiyhum nawāluhu fakhīm
yā man lahu qalbun rāghib fīl maʿālī salīm
The cup is circulating and their pourer is his generous gift
O who has a heart desiring the high, pure
إِسْمَعْ كَلَامِي وَكُنْ لِلْرَّمْزِ يَاذَا فَهِيمْ
فَهْيَ دَلَالَاتٌ مِنْ نُورِ الصِّرَاطِ القَوِيمْ
ismaʿ kalāmī wakun lilrramzi yādhā fahīm
fahya dalālātun min nūriṣ ṣirāṭil qawīm
Listen to my words and be for the symbol, O understanding
They are indications from the light of the straight path
بِهَا عَلِمْ كُلُّ عَارِفْ فِي البَرَايا عَلِيمْ
سُقُّوا كُؤوسِ التَّجَلِي مِن خِطَابِ الكَلِيمْ
bihā ʿalim kullu ʿārif fīl barāīā ʿalīm
suqqū ku’wsit tajalī min khiṭābil kalīm
With it, every knowledgeable person in the creation is learned
They were given cups of manifestation from the speech of the Speaker
وَوَاجَهَتْهُمْ مِنَحْ مَا تَحْتَصِي جِيْم مِيمْ
سُبْحَانَ مَنْ خَصَّهُمْ ذُو الجُودِ أَكْرَم كَرِيمْ
wawājahathum minaḥ mā taḥtaṣī jiym mīm
subḥāna man khaṣṣahum dhūl jūdi akram karīm
And they faced gifts that cannot be comprehended
Glory to the one who singled them out, the most generous of the generous
جِدُّوا السُّرى نَتَهَيَّأْ لِلْنَعِيْمِ المُقِيمْ
نَسْلُكْ صِرَاطِ النَّبِيْ خَيْرِ الوَرَى المُسْتَقِيمْ
jiddūs surā natahayya’ lilnaʿiymil muqīm
nasluk ṣirāṭin nabiy khayril waral mustaqīm
They strive in secret, preparing for the lasting bliss
We follow the path of the Prophet, the best of creation, the upright
مَنْ قَدْ وَصَفَهُ المُهَيْمِنْ بِالرَّؤُوفِ الرَّحِيمْ
عَسَى عَسَى فِيْ حِمَاهُ الزَّيْنْ يا اخْوَةْ نُقِيمْ
man qad waṣafahul muhaymin bir raūfir raḥīm
ʿasā ʿasā fiy ḥimāhuz zayn īakh wah nuqīm
Who has been described by the Guardian as compassionate, merciful
Perhaps, perhaps in his sanctuary, O brothers, we will reside
هُوْ سِرُّ سِرِّي وَرُوحِي وَهُوَ ذُخْرِي العَظِيمْ
عَلَيْهِ صَلَّى إِلَهِي عَدَّ هَبِّ النَّسِيمْ
huw sirru sirrī warūḥī wahuwa dhukhrīl ʿaẓīm
ʿalayhi ṣallā ilahī ʿadda habbin nasīm
He is the secret of my secret and my spirit, and he is my great treasure
Upon him, my God has blessed the number of the breeze
عَلَيْهِ صَلَّى إِلَهِي عَدَّ هَبِّ النَّسِيمْ
وَاَلِهْ خُصُوصِ ابْنَتُهْ أَلذُّخْرِ كَنْزِ العَدِيمْ
ʿalayhi ṣallā ilahī ʿadda habbin nasīm
waalih khuṣūṣib natuh aldhdhukhri kanzil ʿadīm
Upon him, my God has blessed the number of the breeze
And his family, especially his daughter, the most precious treasure
فَذِكْرُهَا يَاجَمَاعَةْ هُو شِفَاءُ السَّقِيمْ
لَهَا مَرَاتِبْ لَدَى المَوَلى وَقَدْرٌ عَظِيمْ
fadhikruhā yājamāʿah hū shifā’us saqīm
lahā marātib ladal mawalā waqadrun ʿaẓīm
So her remembrance, O congregation, is the cure for the sick
She has ranks with the Master and a great status
وَصَحْبِهِ الكُلُّ أَهْلُ الصِّدْقِ حَتْفِ الرَّجِيمْ
وَمَنْ تَبِعَهُمْ بِإحْسَانٍ بِقَلْبٍ سَلِيمْ
waṣaḥbihil kullu ahluṣ ṣidqi ḥatfir rajīm
waman tabiʿahum bi aḥsānin biqalbin salīm
And all his companions, the people of truth, a sword against the rejected
And those who followed them with excellence, with a pure heart.