بِي وَجْدٌ لَا يَدْرِيهِ
I have a passion in my heart
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
بِـي وَجْـدٌ لَا يَـدْرِيـهِ
إِلَّا مَـنْ يَـسْـكُـنُ فِـيـهِ
bī wajdun lā yadrīhi
illā man yaskunu fīhi
I have passion in my heart that no one knows,
except for the one who lives in it
أُبْـدِيـهِ أَوْ أُخْـفِـيـهِ
هُـوَ مِـلْـكُ رَسُـولِ الـلّٰـهْ
ubdīhi aw ukhfīhi
huwa milku rasūlillāh
Whether I show it or hide it,
it only belongs to the messenger of Allah.
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
يَـا أَهْـلَ وِدَادِي خُـذُونِـي
عِـنْـدَ الـحَـبِـيـبِـي دَعُـونِـي
yā ahla widādī khudhūnī
ʿindal ḥabībī daʿūnī
O the people I love, take me
to my beloved and leave me there
سِـيـبُـونِـي وَلَا تَـرِدُّونِـي
فِـي رَوْضِ رَسُـولِ الـلّٰـهْ
sībūnī walā tariddūnī
fī rawḍi rasūlillāh
Leave me and don’t take me back
from Al Rawda of Allah’s messenger
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
وَعَـلَـى الـكَـثِـيـبِ أُنَـادِي
هَـاكُـمُ يَـا أَحْـبَـابِـي
waʿalal kathībi unādī
hākumu yā aḥbābī
On the hill of sand I call on you,
here my beloved people
فِـي بَـطْـنِ ذَاكَ الـوَادِي
قَـدْ قَـامَ رَسُـولُ الـلّٰـهْ
fī baṭni dhākal wādī
qad qāma rasūlu Allah
This is the valley
where Allah’s messenger used to live
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
قَـدْ طَـالَ شَـوْقِـي إِلَـيْـهِ
وَالـنُّـورُ فِـي عَـيْـنَـيْـهِ
qad ṭāla shawqī ilayhi
wan nūru fī ʿaynayhi
Long have I missed him
and the light in his eyes
وَالـسِّـرُّ طَـارَ إِلَـيْـهِ
شَـوْقًـا لِـرَسُـولِ الـلّٰـهْ
was sirru ṭāra ilayhi
shawqan lirasūlillāh
And the secret flew to him,
longing for Allah’s messenger
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
وَمَـدَحْـتُ بِـطَـيْـبَـةَ طَـهَ
وَدَعَـوْتُ بِـطَـهَ الـلّٰـهَ
wamadaḥtu biṭaybata ṭaha
wadaʿawtu biṭaha Allaha
In Taiba I praised Taha (another name of Prophet Muhammad),
and I called on Allah by Taha
أَنْ يَـحْـشُـرَنِـي أَوَّاهَـا
بِـلِـوَاءِ رَسُـولِ الـلّٰـهْ
an yaḥshuranī awwāhā
biliwā’i rasūlillāh
To be brought to Allah,
tender-hearted amongst the tribe of Allah’s messenger
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
فَـشَـكَـوْتُ إِلَـيْـهِ ذُنُـوبِـي
فَـاسْـتَـغْـفَـرَ لِـي مَـحْـبُـوبِـي
fashakawtu ilayhi dhunūbī
fas taghfara lī maḥbūbī
I complained to him about my sins,
and my beloved asked forgiveness for me
وَرَجَـعْـتُ بِـغَـيْـرِ عُـيُـوبٍ
مِـنْ عِـنْـدِ رَسُـولِ الـلّٰـهْ
warajaʿtu bighayri ʿuyūbin
min ʿindi rasūlillāh
And I got back without any faults
from the city of the messenger of Allah
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
وَهُـنَـاكَ أَمُـوتُ وَأَحْـيَـا
وَالـرُّوحُ بِـطَـهَ تَـحْـيَـا
wahunāka amūtu wa aḥyā
war rūḥu biṭaha taḥyā
And there I died and was given a new life,
and the soul lives by (the love of) Taha
فَـأَكَـادُ أُنَـاجِـي الـوَحْـيَ
فِـي رَوْضِ رَسُـولِ الـلّٰـهْ
fa akādu unājīl waḥya
fī rawḍi rasūlillāh
I felt like I almost conversed with Gabriel
at the Rawda of Allah’s messenger
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـى مُـحَـمَّـدْ
صَـلَّـى الـلّٰـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَسَـلَّـمْ
ṣalla Allahu ʿalā muḥammad
ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wasallam
May Allah send his blessings on Muhammad,
may Allah send his blessings and peace upon him
فَـشَـعُـــرْنَـا بِـهِ يَـسْـمَـعُـنَـا
لَـمْ يَـكَـدِ الـكَـوْنُ يَـسَـعُـنَـا
fashaʿurnā bihi yasmaʿunā
lam yakadil kawnu yasaʿunā
We felt that he heard us,
the universe was not enough to contain our excitement
رَبَّـاهُ بِـهِ فَـاجْـمَـعْـنَـا
عَـلَـى حَـوْضِ رَسُـولِ الـلّٰـهْ
rabbāhu bihi faj maʿnā
ʿalā ḥawḍi rasūlillāh
Oh Allah gather us with him
around the basin of the messenger of Allah