قَدْ كَفَانِي عِْلمُ رَبِّي
The Knowledge of My Lord Has Sufficed Me
قَدْ كَفَانِي عِْلمُ رَبِّي
مِنْ سُؤَالِي وَ اخْتِيَارِي
qad kafānī ʿilmu rabbī
min suālī wakh tiyārī
My Lords knowledge has sufficed me
from asking or choosing
فَدُعَائِي وَ ابْتِهَالِي
شَاهِدٌ لِي بِافْتِقَارِي
faduʿā’ī wab tihālī
shāhidun lī bif tiqārī
For my dua and my agonizing supplication
is a witness to my poverty
فَلِهَذَا السِّرِّ أَدْعُو
فِي يَسَارِي وَ عَسَارِي
falihadhas sirri adʿū
fī yasārī wa ʿasārī
For this secret I make supplication
in times of ease and times of difficulty
أَنَا عَبْدٌ صَارَ فَخْرِي
ضِمْنَ فَقْرِي وَ اضْطِرَارِي
anā ʿabdun ṣāra fakhrī
ḍimna faqrī waḍ ṭirārī
I am a slave whose pride is in
his poverty and obligation
قَدْ كَفَانِي عِلْمُ رَبِّي
مِن سُؤَالِي وَ اخْتِيَارِي
qad kafānī ʿilmu rabbī
min suālī wakh tiyārī
My Lords knowledge has sufficed me
from asking or choosing
يَاإِلَهِي وَ مَلِيكِي
أَنْتَ تَعْلَمْ كَيْفَ حَالِي
yā’ilahī wa malīkī
anta taʿlam kayfa ḥālī
O my Lord and my King
You know my state
وَبِمَا قَدْ حَلَّ قَلْبِي
مِنْ هُمُومٍ وَ اشْتِغَالِي
wabimā qad ḥalla qalbī
min humūmin wash tighālī
And what has settled in my heart
of agonies and preoccupations
فَتَدَارَكْنِي بِلُطْفٍ
مِنْكَ يَا مَوْلَى المَوَالِي
fatadāraknī biluṭfin
minka yā mawlal mawālī
Save me with a gentleness
from You, You, O Lord of Lords
يَا كَرِيمَ الوَجْهِ غِثْنِي
قَبْلَ أَنْ يَفْنَى اصْطِبَارِي
yā karīmal wajhi ghithnī
qabla an yafnāṣ ṭibārī
Oh save me, Most Generous
before I run out of patience
قَدْ كَفَانِي عِلْمُ رَبِّي
مِنْ سُؤَالِي وَ اخْتِيَارِي
qad kafānī ʿilmu rabbī
min suālī wakh tiyārī
My Lords knowledge has sufficed me
from asking or choosing
يَا سَرِيعَ الغَوثِ غَوْثَاً
مِنْكَ يُدْرِكْنِي سِرِيعَا
yā sarīʿal ghawthi ghawthāan
minka yudriknī sirīʿā
O One who is swift in sending aid
I ask for aid that will arrive to me swiftly
يَهْزِمُ العُسْرَ وَ يَأتِي
بِالَّذِي أَرْجُو جَمِيعَا
yahzimul ʿusra wa yaātī
bil ladhī arjū jamīʿā
It will defeat all difficulty and it will bring
all that I hope for
يَا قَرِيباً يَا مُجِيبَا
يَا عَلِيمَاً يَا سَمِيعَا
yā qarīban yā mujībā
yā ʿalīmāan yā samīʿā
O Near One Who answers
and All-Knowing and All-Hearing
قَدْ تَحَقَّقْتُ بِعَجْزِي
وَ خُضُوعِي وَ انْكِسَارِي
qad taḥaqqaqtu biʿajzī
wa khuḍūʿī wan kisārī
I have attained realization through my incapacity,
my submission and my brokenness
قَدْ كَفَانِي عِلْمُ رَبِّي
مِنْ سُؤَالِي وَ اخْتِيَارِي
qad kafānī ʿilmu rabbī
min suālī wakh tiyārī
My Lords knowledge has sufficed me
from asking or choosing
لَمْ أَزَل بِالبَابِ وَاقِف
فَارْحَمَنْ رَبِّي وُقُوفِي
lam azal bil bābi wāqif
far ḥaman rabbī wuqūfī
I am still standing by the door,
so please my Lord have mercy on my standing
وَ بِوَادِي الفَضْلِ عَاكِفْ
فَأَدِمْ رَبِّي عُكُوفِي
wa biwādīl faḍli ʿākif
fa adim rabbī ʿukūfī
In the valley of generosity, I am in solitary retreat
So, Allah, make my retreat here permanent
وَ لِحُسْنِ الظَّنِّ لَازِمْ
فَهْوَ خِلِّي وَ حَلِيفِي
wa liḥusniẓ ẓanni lāzim
fahwa khillī wa ḥalīfī
And I'm abiding by good opinion (of You)
For it is my friend and ally
وَ أَنِيسِي وَ جَلِيسِي
طُولَ لَيْـلِي وَ نَهَارِي
wa anīsī wa jalīsī
ṭūla laylī wa nahārī
And it is the one that sits by me and keeps me company
All day and night
قَدْ كَفَانِي عِلْمُ رَبِّي
مِنْ سُؤَالِي وَ اخْتِيَارِي
qad kafānī ʿilmu rabbī
min suālī wakh tiyārī
My Lords knowledge has sufficed me
from asking or choosing
حَاجَةٌ فِي النَّفْسِ يَارَب
فَاقْضِهَا يَا خَيْرَ قَاضِي
ḥājatun fīn nafsi yārab
faq ḍihā yā khayra qāḍī
There is a need in my soul, O Allah
so please fulfill it, O Best of Fulfillers
وَ أَرِحْ سِرِّي وَ قَلْبِي
مِن لَظَاهَا وَ الشُّوَاظِ
wa ariḥ sirrī wa qalbī
min laẓāhā wash shuwāẓi
And comfort my secret and my heart
from its burning and its shrapnel
فِي سُرُورٍ وَ حُبُورٍ
وَ إِذَا مَا كُنْتَ رَاضِي
fī surūrin wa ḥubūrin
wa idhā mā kunta rāḍī
In pleasure and in happiness
and as long as You are pleased with me
فَالْهَنَا وَ الْبَسْطُ حَالِي
وَ شِعَارِي وَ دِثَارِي
fal hanā wal basṭu ḥālī
wa shiʿārī wa dithārī
For joy and expansion is my state
and my motto and my cover
قَدْ كَفَانِي عِلْمُ رَبِّي
مِنْ سُؤَالِي وَ اخْتِيَارِي
qad kafānī ʿilmu rabbī
min suālī wakh tiyārī
My Lords knowledge has sufficed me
from asking or choosing