بِـكَ قَـدْ صَـفَتْ مِـنْ دَهْرِنـَا الأَيـَّامُ
وَتَشَــــرَّفَتْ بِوُجُـــوْدِكَ الأَعــْـوَامُ
bika qad ṣafat min dahrināl ayyāmu
wa tasharrafat biwujūdikal aʿwāmu
Through you, the days of our lives are blissful,
And your presence has ennobled all the worlds.
وَلَــكَ الْمَحَامِــدُ كُلُّهَـا أُوتِيْتَهـَا
فَــاطْرَبْ فَقَــدْ نُشِــرَتْ لَـكَ الأَعْلَامُ
wa lakal maḥāmidu kulluhā ūtiytahā
fa āṭrab faqad nushirat lakal aʿlāmu
You have been given all praiseworthy traits,
So rejoice! The banners have been unfolded for you.
أُوتِيْـتَ مِـنْ فَضْـلِ المُهَيْمِـنِ مِنْحَـةً
مَـــا تَسْـــتَطِيْعُ تَخُطُّهَـــا الاقْلَامُ
ūtiyta min faḍlil muhaymini minḥatan
mā tastaṭiyʿu takhuṭṭuhāl āqlāmu
The Guardian favored you with a gift,
That the pens cannot expound on.
فَلَـكَ التَّقَـدُّمُ فِـي الفَضَـائِلِ كُلِّهَا
فَاقْــدُمْ فَـأَنْتَ لِمَـنْ سِـوَاكَ اِمَـامُ
falakat taqaddumu fīl faḍā’ili kullihā
fa āqdum fa anta liman siwāka imāmu
You are foremost in all virtues,
So proceed, for you are the Imam of everyone.
ّوَالفَخْــُر فِيـْـكَ تَجَمَّعَــتْ أَوصَـافُهُ
فَلَــكَ العُلَــى والمَجْـدُ والإِعْظَـامُ
undefinedwālfakhur fiyka tajammaʿat awṣāfuhu
falakal ʿulā wālmajdu wāliʿẓāmu
All attributes of honor have been contained within you,
To you belongs elevation, glory, and majesty.
أَنـْتَ الَّذِيْ حُـزْتَ الجَمَـالَ بِأَسْـرِهِ
وبِنُــــورِ وَجْهِـــكَ يَضْـــمَحِلُّ ظَلَامُ
antal ladhiy ḥuztal jamāla biasrihi
wbinūri wa jhika yaḍmaḥillu ẓalāmu
You have obtained all beauty entirely,
And the light of your face abolishes the darkness.
أَنْـتَ الَّذِي حَـارَ النُّهـَى فِي وَصْفِهِ
وَبِحُسْــــنِهِ قـَــدْ تَــاهَتِ الاَحْلَامُ
antal ladhī ḥāran nuhā fī wa ṣfihi
wa biḥusnihi qad tāhatil aḥlāmu
You are the one whose description has dumbfounded the eloquent,
And whose beauty has enraptured people's intellects.
يَـــا أوَّلَاً قَـــدْ قَـــدَّمَتْكَ إِرَادَةٌ
سَــبَقَتْ وَفَضْــلُ اللّــهِ والإِنْعَــامُ
yā awwalāan qad qaddamatka irādatun
sabaqat wa faḍlu Allahi wālinʿāmu
O First, you have been preferred by Allah,
Whose will, favor, and blessing is pre-eternal.
فَلَئِيـنْ بَـرَزْتَ إِلـى الشَّهَادَةِ اَخِراً
فَوُجُـــودُ رُوحِــكُ لِلــوَرَى قُــدَّامُ
fala’īn baraztailsh shahādati akhirāan
fawujūdu rūḥiku lilwarā quddāmu
When you appear to bear witness in the Hereafter,
Your soul, among all humanity, will be foremost.
فَاضَـتْ مِـنَ المَـولَى عَلَيْـكَ مَـوَاهِبٌ
نَفَــذَتْ بِهَــا الاقْــدَارُ والاَحْكَـامُ
fa āḍat minal mawlā ʿalayka mawāhibun
nafadhat bihāl āqdāru wālaḥkāmu
The Lord's gifts have been showered upon you,
This has been fulfilled by His decree and ruling.
مـَا نَـالَ ذُو شَـرَفٍ وَقـَدْرٍ مِثْلَهَـا
وَلِكُــلِّ رَاقٍ فِــي الــدُّنُوِّ مَقَــامُ
mā nāla dhū sharafin wa qadrin mithlahā
wa likulli rāqin fīd dunūwi maqāmu
No one has attained honor or worth like yours,
And all people of elevation and proximity have their station.
اللَّــهُ أَكْــبَرُ مَـا بَلَغْـتَ لِرُتْبـَةٍ
إِلَّا وَنَادَتــْـكَ المَـــرَامُ اَمـَــامُ
Allahu akbaru mā balaghta lirutbatin
illā wa nādatkal marāmu amāmu
Allah is Supreme! Whenever you attained a rank,
Aspiration called out to you, "Continue forth!"
فَلَـكَ الـتَّرَقِّي وَالتَّلَقِّـي لـَمْ يَـزَلْ
وَلَــكَ المَلائِـكُ فِـي العُلـَى خُـدَّامُ
falakat taraqqī wat talaqqī lam yazal
wa lakal malā’iku fīl ʿulā khuddāmu
You continued to elevate and ascend,
And the angels in the heavenly realm were your servants.
إِخْتَــارَكَ المَــولَى نَجِيًّـا بَعـْدَمَا
جَـــاوَزْتَ مــَالَا لِلْعُقُــولِ يُـرَامُ
ikhtārakal mawlā najiyyan baʿdamā
jāwazta mālā lilʿuqūli yurāmu
Allah chose You to speak to Him after
Passing what the intellect could not fathom.
وَدَنَــوْتَ مِنْــهُ دُنُــوَّ حَــقٍ أَمْـرُهُ
فِيْنَــا عَلَــى اَفْكَارِنــا الاِبْهَـامُ
wa danawta minhu dunūwa ḥaqin amruhu
fiynā ʿalā afkārināl ibhāmu
You came close to Him in truth
That is obscure to our understanding.
وَبَلَغْــتَ أَوْ أَدَنـى وَتِلْــكَ مَزِيّــةٌ
عُظْمَــى واسَــرارُ الحَــبِيبِ عِظَـامُ
wa balaghtaaw adan wa tilka maziyytun
ʿuẓmā wāsarārul ḥabībi ʿiẓāmu
You attained, "or closer" and that was the greatest distinction,
And the Beloved's secrets are exalted.
فَلْيَهْنَــكَ السِّــرُ الَّــذِي أُوتِيْتَـهُ
والقُـــــرْبُ والاِجلالُ والِاكْــــرامُ
falyahnakas sirul ladhī ūtiytahu
wālqurbu wālijlālu wāliākrāmu
Be joyous with the secret you have been given
And proximity, majesty, and honor.
مِـــنْ حَضْـــرَةٍ عُلْوِيـَّــةٍ قُدْسِــيَّةٍ
قـَــدْ واجَهَتـْــكَ تَحِيـَّــةٌ وَسَــلَامُ
min ḥaḍratin ʿulwiyyatin qudsiyyatin
qad wājahatka taḥiyyatun wa salāmu
From the Exalted and Holy Presence,
You received salutations and peace.
فَسَــمِعْتَ مَــالَا يُسْــتَطَاعُ سَــمَاعُهُ
وَعَقَلـْتَ مَـا عَنْـهُ الوَرَى قَدْ نَامُوا
fasamiʿta mālā yustaṭāʿu samāʿuhu
wa ʿaqalta mā ʿanhul warā qad nāmū
You heard what cannot be heard,
And understood what others are asleep too.
مَـــا لِلْعُقُــولِ تَصَــوُّرٌ لِحَقِيْقَــةٍ
يَأْتِيـْـكَ مِنْهَــا الـوَحْيُ والِالْهَـامُ
mā lilʿuqūli taṣawwurun liḥaqiyqatin
yātiyka minhāl waḥyu wāliālhāmu
The intellects cannot conceive of the reality
Of the revelation and inspiration you receive.
يَـا سَـيِّدَ الكَـونَيْنِ يَا خَيْرَ الوَرَى
وَافَـــاكَ مِمَّــنْ يَرتَجِيــكَ نِظَــامُ
yā sayyidal kawnayni yā khayral warā
wa fāka mimman yartajīka niẓāmu
O Master of Both Abodes, O Best of Creation,
The one who has hope in you has faithfully composed these lines.
عَبْـــدٌ بِحُبــِّكَ لَا يـَـزَالُ مُوَلَّعًــا
وَلَـــهُ إِلَيــْـكَ تَشَـــوقٌ وَهُيـَـامُ
ʿabdun biḥubbika lā yazālu mūallaʿan
wa lahu ilayka tashawqun wa huyāmu
A servant who remains ignited in love of you,
And yearns and longs for you.
حُــبٌ تَمَكَّــنَ فِـي الحَشَـا فَلِنَـارِهِ
بَيـْـنَ الاَضَــالِعِ والجُنــوبِ ضِـرَامُ
ḥubun tamakkana fīl ḥashā falinārihi
baynal aḍāliʿi wāljunwbi ḍirāmu
A love that has taken hold of my heart,
Its fire within me has set my insides ablaze.
فَـأَغِثْهُ يـَا غَـوثَ الَّلهِيـفِ بِنَفْحَـةٍ
تُشْــفى بِهَــا الأَمْــراضُ والاَسـقَامُ
fa aghithhu yā ghawtha Allahīfi binafḥatin
tushf bihāl amrāḍu wālasqāmu
So save him, O savior of the regretful, with a breeze,
That heals his sickness and diseases.
وَامْنُـنْ عَلَيْـهِ بِنَظْـرَةٍ يُمْحَـى بِهَـا
عـــَــنْ قَلْبِــــهِ الاِدْرانُ والاِظْلامُ
wa mnun ʿalayhi binaẓratin yumḥā bihā
ʿan qalbihil idrānu wāliẓlāmu
And favor him with a gaze that removes
Rust and darkness from his heart.
يَمْتَـــدُّ مِنْهَـــا سِــرُّهُ بِلَطَــائِفٍ
يَقْــوَى بِهَــا الإِيْمــانُ والإِســلامُ
yamtaddu minhā sirruhu bilaṭā’ifin
yaqwā bihāl iymānu wālislāmu
Of which gentleness spreads to his secret,
Strengthening his Iman and Islam.
وَعَلَــى صِــرَاطِكَ يَسْــتَقِيْمُ بِشَـاهِدٍ
مـِـنْ عِلْمِــهِ ثَبَتَــتَ بـِهِ الاَقْـدَامُ
wa ʿalā ṣirāṭika yastaqiymu bishāhidin
min ʿilmihi thabatata bihil aqdāmu
And he remains upright on your Straight Path,
Through knowledge his feet remain firm.
يـَا مَـنْ عَلَيْـهِ مُعَوَّلِي فـِي كُلِّ مَا
أَرْجُــو وَمْنــُه الفَضْــلُ والِانْعَـامُ
yā man ʿalayhi muʿawwalī fī kulli mā
arjū wa mnuhal faḍlu wāliānʿāmu
O one who I rely on in everything
That I seek, and from him I hope for favors and blessing.
مَــا أَمَّــكَ الرَّاجُــونَ إِلَّا أَدْرَكُـوا
مِـنْ فَيـْضِ جُـودِكُ والعَطَا مَا رَامُوا
mā ammakar rājūna illā adrakū
min fayḍi jūdiku wālʿaṭā mā rāmū
Whenever the hopeful seek you,
They receive from the outpouring of your generosity gifts beyond their desires.
بِالبـَابِ قُمْـتُ وَأَنـْتَ اعْظَـمُ مَطْلَـبٍ
تَشْـــــتَاقُهُ الأَرْوَاحُ وَالأَجْسَــــامُ
bil bābi qumtu wa antaʿẓamu maṭlabin
tashtāquhul arwāḥu wal ajsāmu
I stand at the door, and you are the greatest of all that is sought,
That the souls and bodies yearn for.
فَاسْمَحْ وَجُدْ لِي بِالوِصَالِ فَفِي الحَشَا
شَـــوْقٌ إِلَيْـــكَ وَلَوْعَــةٌ وَغَــرَامُ
fa āsmaḥ wa jud lī bil wiṣāli fafīl ḥashā
shawqun ilayka wa lawʿatun wa gharāmu
Permit and favor me with a connection,
For in my heart there is yearning and the fire of love.
وَعَلَيْـكَ صَـلَّى اللَّـهُ يَا عَلَمَ الهُدَى
مــَا غَــرَّدَتْ فَـوْقَ الغُصُـونِ حَمـَامُ
wa ʿalayka ṣallā Allahu yā ʿalamal hudā
mā gharradat fawqal ghuṣūni ḥamāmu
And may Allah's blessings be upon you, O Banner of Guidance,
Whenever doves coo on branches.
والاَلِ وَالأَصْــحَابِ يَـا نِعـْمَ الأُولـَى
سَــبَقُوا وَأَصْــحَابُ الكَرِيْـمِ كِـرَامُ
wālali wal aṣḥābi yā niʿmal ūlā
sabaqū wa aṣḥābul kariymi kirāmu
And upon you Family and Companions, the Foremost
They surpassed, for the Noble One's Companions and noble.