قَلْبِي و قَلْبُكَ مُشْـتَبِكْ
هَمِّي وَ هَمُّكَ مُشْـتَرَكْ
qalbī w qalbuka mushtabik
hammī wa hammuka mushtarak
My heart and your heart are intertwined,
My concern and your concern are shared.
نَظَرُ النَّبِيِّ يَحُفُّـنَـــا
وَ يَعُمُّنَــا مِنْهُ الدَّرَكْ
naẓarun nabiyyi yaḥuffunā
wa yaʿummunā minhud darak
The Prophet's gaze surrounds us,
And from him, we gain protection.
قَـدْ صَـادَنَــا عَطْفُ الرَّسُـولْ
وَ قَدْ وَقَـعْـنَــا فِي الشَّــرَكْ
qad ṣādanā ʿaṭfur rasūl
wa qad waqaʿnā fīsh sharak
The compassion of the Messenger has captured us,
And we have fallen into the net.
وَ لَـقَدْ دَعَــاكَ وَ قَـدْ كَسَاكْ
وَ قَــدْ حَـبَـاكَ وَ جَـمَّـلَكْ
wa laqad daʿāka wa qad kasāk
wa qad ḥabāka wa jammalak
Indeed, he called you, clothed you,
He bestowed upon you and adorned you.
هَذَا الإِمَـامُ العَارِفُ الْـــ
مَشْهُورُ شَـيْخُكَ أَهَّلَكْ
hadhal imāmul ʿāriful
mashhūru shaykhuka ahhalak
This is the knowledgeable Imam,
Your famous Sheikh has welcomed you.
قَـدْ كُنْتَ عَوْنَاً لِلْحَبِيـــــبْ
فأَبْشِرَنْ فالْعَونُ لَكْ
qad kunta ʿawnāan lilḥabīb
fabshiran fālʿawnu lak
You have been a support to the beloved,
So rejoice, for support is yours.
فَـاقْـدِمْ ولَا تَـعْـبَـأْ بِـمَـنْ
قَــدْ حَـارَ فِيكَ وَحَاكَ لَكْ
faq dim wlā taʿba’ biman
qad ḥāra fīka waḥāka lak
Advance and do not heed those
Who are bewildered by you and plot against you.
حَالُ ابْنِ عَمِّ المُصْطَفَى
مَوْلَايَ جَعْفَرَ سَرْبَلَكْ
ḥālub ni ʿammil muṣṭafā
mawlāya jaʿfara sarbalak
The state of the Prophet's cousin,
My master Ja'far, has clothed you.
وابشِرْ فَإنَّ الخَيْرَ كُلْ
الْـخَـيْرِ فِي الدَّارَيْنِ لَكْ
wābshir fa annal khayra kul
l khayri fīd dārayni lak
And rejoice, for all goodness,
All goodness in both worlds is yours.