الْغَالِي الْغَالِي رَسُولُ الله
The Precious, Precious Messenger of Allah
Shaykh Salih Al-Jaʿfariالشيخ صالح الجعفري
يَــارَبِّ صَــلِّ عَـــلَــى الــنَّــبِــي
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
yārabbi ṣalli ʿalān nabī
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
My lord send blessings upon the Prophet
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
خَــيْــرِ الأَنَــامِ وَآلِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
khayril anāmi wa ālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
The best of people and upon his family
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
بِــجَــمَــالِــهِ بِــجَــلَالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
bijamālihi bijalālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
by his beauty, by his majesty
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
بِــكَــمَــالِــهِ بِــمَــقَـــالِـــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
bikamālihi bimaqālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
by his perfection, by his speech
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
خَــيْــرُ الأَنَــامِ مُــحَــمَّـــدٌ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
khayrul anāmi muḥammadun
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
The best of people is Muhammad
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
الــفَــضْــلُ مِــنْ أَفْــضَـــالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
alfaḍlu min afḍālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
Virtue is one of his bounties
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
يَــارَبِّ صَــلِّ عَـــلَــى الــنَّــبِــي
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
yārabbi ṣalli ʿalān nabī
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
My lord send blessings upon the Prophet
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
خَــيْــرِ الأَنَــامِ وَآلِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
khayril anāmi wa ālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
The best of people and upon his family
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
قَــدْ قَــالَ رَبِّــي رَحْــمَــةٌ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
qad qāla rabbī raḥmatun
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
My Lord has said:(He is) a mercy
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
لِــلــخَــلْــقِ فِــي إِرْسَـــالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
lilkhalqi fī irsālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
To the creation was his sending
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
دَارُ الــنَّــعِــيــمِ مَــقَــامُــهُ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
dārun naʿīmi maqāmuhu
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
The abode of bliss is his residence
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
وَالــخُــلْــدُ فِــي إِقْــبَــالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
wal khuldu fī iqbālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
And Eternity is before him
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
يَــارَبِّ صَــلِّ عَـــلَــى الــنَّــبِــي
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
yārabbi ṣalli ʿalān nabī
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
My lord send blessings upon the Prophet
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
خَــيْــرِ الأَنَــامِ وَآلِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
khayril anāmi wa ālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
The best of people and upon his family
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
فَــمَــتَــى أُقَــبِّــلُ تُــرْبَــةً
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
famatā uqabbilu turbatan
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
So when will I kiss the (piece of) earth
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
كَــانَــتْ مَــقَــرَّ نِــعَــالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
kānat maqarra niʿālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
Where his sandals used to step
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
وَمَــتَــى أُشَــاهِــدُ رَوْضَــةً
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
wa matā ushāhidu rawḍatan
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
And when will I see the Rawda
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
مَــمْــلُــوءَةً بِــنَــوَالِـــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
mamlū’atan binawālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
That is full of his gifts
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
يَــارَبِّ صَــلِّ عَـــلَــى الــنَّــبِــي
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
yārabbi ṣalli ʿalān nabī
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
My lord send blessings upon the Prophet
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
خَــيْــرِ الأَنَــامِ وَآلِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
khayril anāmi wa ālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
The best of people and upon his family
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
وَأَشُــمُّ مِــنْ طِــيــبِ الــحَــبِــيــبْ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
wa ashummu min ṭībil ḥabīb
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
And smell the perfume of the Beloved
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
أَقِــيــلُ تَــحْــتَ ظِــلَالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
aqīlu taḥta ẓilālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
And rest under his shade
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
وَيَــدُورُ كَــأْسُ شَــرَابِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
wa yadūru kāsu sharābihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
And the cup of his drink is passed
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
مِــنْ عَــذْبِ مَــاءِ قِــلَالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
min ʿadhbi mā’i qilālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
From the fresh water of his vessel
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
يَــارَبِّ صَــلِّ عَـــلَــى الــنَّــبِــي
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
yārabbi ṣalli ʿalān nabī
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
My lord send blessings upon the Prophet
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
خَــيْــرِ الأَنَــامِ وَآلِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
khayril anāmi wa ālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
The best of people and upon his family
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
يــا حَــبَّــذَا لَــوْ زَارَنِــي
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
īā ḥabbadhā law zāranī
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
If only he would visit me!
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
حَــتَّــى بِــطَــيْــفِ خَــيَــالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
ḥattā biṭayfi khayālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
Even if just a glimpse of his image
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
الــوُدُّ مِــنْــهُ لَــقَــدْ بَــدَا
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
alwuddu minhu laqad badā
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
Love from him has appeared
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
وَكَــذَاكَ مِــنْ أَشْــبَــالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
wa kadhāka min ashbālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
And likewise from his descendants
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
يَــارَبِّ صَــلِّ عَـــلَــى الــنَّــبِــي
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
yārabbi ṣalli ʿalān nabī
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
My lord send blessings upon the Prophet
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
خَــيْــرِ الأَنَــامِ وَآلِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
khayril anāmi wa ālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
The best of people and upon his family
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
وَأُحِــبُّـــهُ وَأَوَدُّهُ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
wa uḥibbuhu wa awadduhu
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
And I love and adore him
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
حَــقّــاً لِــطِــيــبِ خِــصَــالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
ḥaqqāan liṭībi khiṣālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
Truly, for the goodness of his traits
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
مَــا جَــاءَ مِــثْــلُ مُــحَــمَّــدٍ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
mā jā’a mithlu muḥammadin
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
There has never come anyone like Muhammad
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
مَــاجَــاءَ مِــثْــلُ مِــثَــالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
mājā’a mithlu mithālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
Or a likeness of his likeness
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
يَــارَبِّ صَــلِّ عَـــلَــى الــنَّــبِــي
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
yārabbi ṣalli ʿalān nabī
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
My lord send blessings upon the Prophet
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
خَــيْــرِ الأَنَــامِ وَآلِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
khayril anāmi wa ālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
The best of people and upon his family
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
فِــي الــصَّــخْــرِ آثَــرَ مَــشْــيُــهُ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
fīṣ ṣakhri āthara mashyuhu
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
On rocks his footsteps left prints
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
مَــاغَــاصَ فَــوْقَ رِمَــالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
māghāṣa fawqa rimālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
Yet in sand they did not sink
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
وَأَشَــارَ لِــلــبَــدْرِ انْــقَــسَــمْ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
wa ashāra lilbadri ānqasam
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
And He pointed at the full moon and it divided
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
فَــانْــشَــقَّ مِــثْــلَ هِــلَالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
fa ānshaqqa mithla hilālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
and split into two halves as if they were crescents of a new moon
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
يَــارَبِّ صَــلِّ عَـــلَــى الــنَّــبِــي
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
yārabbi ṣalli ʿalān nabī
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
My lord send blessings upon the Prophet
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
خَــيْــرِ الأَنَــامِ وَآلِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
khayril anāmi wa ālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
The best of people and upon his family
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
وَالــجِــذْعُ أَنَّ تَــشَــــوُّقًــا
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
wal jidhʿu anna tashawwuqan
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
The tree trunk cried in longing
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
لِــكَــلَامِــهِ وَمَــقَـــالِـــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
likalāmihi wa maqālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
For his speech and his words
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
يَــحْــمِــي الــكِــنَــانَــةَ سَــيِّــدًا
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
yaḥmīl kinānata sayyidan
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
He protects the land of Kinana (Egypt) as a master
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
كَاللَّــيْــثِ فِــي أَشْــبَــالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
kālllaythi fī ashbālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
Like a Lion among its cubs
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
يَــارَبِّ صَــلِّ عَـــلَــى الــنَّــبِــي
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
yārabbi ṣalli ʿalān nabī
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
My lord send blessings upon the Prophet
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
خَــيْــرِ الأَنَــامِ وَآلِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
khayril anāmi wa ālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
The best of people and upon his family
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
الــلَّــهُ يَــحْـــفَــظُ زَائِــرًا
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
Allahu yaḥfaẓu zā’iran
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
Allah protects a visitor
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
قَــدْ سَــارَ بَــيْــنَ جِــبَــالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
qad sāra bayna jibālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
Who walks between his mountains
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
يَــمْــشِــي إِلَــيْــهِ مُــهَــرْوِلًا
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
yamshī ilayhi muharwilan
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
Who walks to him at speed
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
لِــيَــفُــوزَ يَــوْمَ نَــوَالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
liyafūza yawma nawālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
To be a winner on the Day of Recompense
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
يَــارَبِّ صَــلِّ عَـــلَــى الــنَّــبِــي
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
yārabbi ṣalli ʿalān nabī
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
My lord send blessings upon the Prophet
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
خَــيْــرِ الأَنَــامِ وَآلِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
khayril anāmi wa ālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
The best of people and upon his family
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
الــلَّــهُ يَــحْــفَــظُ قَــلْــبَــهُ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
Allahu yaḥfaẓu qalbahu
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
Allah protects his heart
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
بِــالــنُّــورِ فِــي أَحْــوَالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
bin nūri fī aḥwālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
With light in all his states
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
وَيَــظَــلُّ فِــي بَــرَكَــاتِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
wa yaẓallu fī barakātihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
And he remains always in his blessings
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
وَيَــزِيــدُ فِــي أَمْــوَالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
wa yazīdu fī amwālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
And He increases him in wealth
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
يَــارَبِّ صَــلِّ عَـــلَــى الــنَّــبِــي
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
yārabbi ṣalli ʿalān nabī
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
My lord send blessings upon the Prophet
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
خَــيْــرِ الأَنَــامِ وَآلِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
khayril anāmi wa ālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
The best of people and upon his family
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
ثُــمَّ الــصَّــلَاةُ مَــعَ الــسَّـــــــــلَامْ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
thummaṣ ṣalātu maʿas salām
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
Then may blessings and peace descend
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
عَــلَــى الــنَّــبِــيِّ وَآلِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
ʿalān nabiyyi wa ālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
On the Prophet and his family
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
مَــا الــجَــعْــفَــرِيُّ بِــمَــدْحِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
māl jaʿfariyyu bimadḥihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
As long as al-J'afari sings
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah
يَــشْــدُو بِــصِــدْقِ مَــقَــالِــهِ
الــغَــالِــي الــغَــالِــي رَسُــولُ الــلَّــه
yashdū biṣidqi maqālihi
alghālīl ghālī rasūlu Allah
in praise with words of truth
The precious, precious Messenger of Allah