يَا طَـالِـبَ الفَـنَا فِي الله
O You who Seek Effacement in Allah
يـَا طَـالِـبَ الـفَـنَـا
فِـي الـلَّـهُ قُـلْ دَائِـمًـا الـلَّـهُ الـلَّـه
yā ṭālibal fanā
fī Allahu qul dā’iman Allahu Allah
O you who seek effacement
in Allah, be constant in saying "Allah, Allah!"
وَغِـبْ فِـيـهِ عَـنْ سِـوَاهُ
وَاشْـهَـدْ بِـقَـلْـبِـكَ الـلـه
waghib fīhi ʿan siwāhu
wash had biqalbika Allah
And pass away in Him from all else
and witness with your heart; Allah!
وَاجْـمَـعْ هُـمُـومَـكَ فِـيـهِ
تَـكُـفَـى بِـهِ عَـنْ غَـيْـرِ الـلَّـه
waj maʿ humūmaka fīhi
takufā bihi ʿan ghayrillāh
Gather all your cares into caring about Him
and you will be sufficed from all else but Allah
وكُـنْ عَـبْـداً صِـرْفـاً لَـهُ
تَـكُـنْ حُـرّاً عَـنْ غَـيْـرِ الـلَّـه
wkun ʿabdan ṣirfan lahu
takun ḥurran ʿan ghayrillāh
Be a servant who belongs to Him alone
and you'll be freed from belonging to other than Allah
وَاخْـضَـعْ لَـهُ وتَـذَلَّـلْ
تَـفُـزْ بِـسِـرِّ مِـنَ الـلَّـه
wakh ḍaʿ lahu wtadhallal
tafuz bisirri mina Allah
Submit to Him and be humble before Him
and you'll be granted a secret that comes from Allah
واذْكُـرْ بِـجِـدٍ وَصِـدْقٍ
بَـيْـنَ يَـدَي عَـبِـيـدِ الـلـه
dh kur bijidin waṣidqin
bayna yadaī ʿabīdillāh
And invoke with fervor and sincerity
along with the devoted servants of Allah
واكْــتُــمْ إِذَا تَـجَـلَّـى لَـك
بِـأَنْـوَارٍ مِـنْ ذَاتِ الـلَّـه
k tum idhā tajallā lak
bi anwārin min dhātillāh
Conceal it should He reveal Himself to you
through lights which come from the Essence of Allah
فَـالـغَـيْـرُ عِـنْـدَنَـا مُـحَـال
فـالـوُجُـودُ الـحَـقُّ لِـلَّـه
fal ghayru ʿindanā muḥaāl
fālwujūdul ḥaqqu lillāh
"The other," for us, is something that cannot be
for existence is a right that belongs only to Allah
وَ وَهْـمَـكَ اقْـطَـعْ دَائِـمَـا
بَـتَـوْحِـيـدٍ صِـرْفٍ لِـلَّـه
wa wahmakaq ṭaʿ dā’imā
batawḥīdin ṣirfin lillāh
So constantly cut through your veil of illusion
by affirming the pure oneness of Allah
فَـوَحْـدَةُ الـفِـعْـلِ تَـبْـدُو
فِـي أَوَّلِ الـذِّكْـرِ لِـلَّـه
fawaḥdatul fiʿli tabdū
fī awwalidh dhikri lillāh
The unity of the Acts appear
at the beginning of the invocation of Allah
وَوَحْـدَةُ الـوَصْـفِ لَـهُ
تَـاتِـي مِـنَ الـحُـبِّ فِـي لِـلَّـه
wawaḥdatul waṣfi lahu
tātī minal ḥubbi fī lillāh
And the unity of His Attributes
will come [to you] from love in Allah
وَ وَحْـدَةُ الـذَّاتِ لَـهُ
تُـوَرِّثُ الـبَـقَـا بِـالـلَّـه
wa waḥdatudh dhāti lahu
tuwarrithul baqā billāh
And the unity of His Essence
will endow you with the state of subsisting by Allah
فَـهَـنِـيـئًـا لِـمَـنْ مَـشَـى
فِـي طَـرِيـقِ الـذِّكْـرِ لِـلَّـه
fahanī’an liman mashā
fī ṭarīqidh dhikri lillāh
Happy is the one who walks the path
of invocation for the sake of Allah
مُـعْـتَـقِـداً شَـيْـخـاً حَـيّـاً
يَـكُـونُ عَـارِفـاً بِـالـلَّـه
muʿtaqidan shaykhan ḥayyan
yakūnu ʿārifan billāh
Taking as his guide a living teacher
whose knowledge comes from knowing Allah
وَلَازَمَ الـحُـبَّ لَـهُ
وَبَـاعَ نَـفْـسَـهُ لِـلَّـه
walāzamal ḥubba lahu
wabāʿa nafsahu lillāh
He loves him with an unflagging love
and sells his ego for the sake of Allah
وَقَـامَ فِـي الـلَّـيْـلِ يَـتْـلُـو
كَـلَامَـهُ شَـوْقـاً لِـلَّـه
waqāma fīl layli yatlū
kalāmahu shawqan lillāh
And rises for prayer in the night to recite
His Words with a yearning for Allah
فَـنَـالَ مَـا يَـطْـلُـبُـهُ
مِـن قُـوَّةِ الـعِـلْـمِ بِـالـلَّـه
fanāla mā yaṭlubuhu
min quwwatil ʿilmi billāh
And so attains what he is seeking
the power of the knowledge of Allah
وَفَــيْــضُـنَـا مِـنْ نَـبِـيٍ
سَـيِّـدُ مَـخْـلُـوقَـاتِ الـلَّـه
wafayḍunā min nabiyin
sayyidu makhlūqātillāh
Our teaching flows from the stream of a Prophet
the most honored of the creatures of Allah
عَـلَـيْـهِ أَزْكَـى صَـلَاةٍ
عَـدَدَ مَـعْـلُـومَـاتِ الـلَّـه
ʿalayhi azkā ṣalātin
ʿadada maʿlūmātillāh
Upon him be the purest blessings
as numerous as all that is known to Allah
و آلِـهِ وَصَـحْـبِـهِ
وَكُـلِّ دَاعٍ إِلَـى الـلَّـه
w ālihi waṣaḥbihi
wakulli dāʿin ila Allah
And upon his family and Companions
and all of those who call to Allah